PEEK/KT-820 SL30/Solvay Specialty Polymers 物性表
PEEK/KT-820 SL30/Solvay Specialty Polymers
该料用途 | 棒材; 薄膜; 衬套; 齿轮; 飞机应用; 工业应用; 管件; 片材; 型材; 轴承 |
备注说明 | KetaSpire® KT-820 SL30 is a polyetheretherketone (PEEK) compound designed to provide a balance of excellent mechanical properties, wear resistance and low coefficient of friction in both dry and externally lubricated applications. The resin is formulated with a ternary anti-friction/anti-wear additive system comprised of carbon fiber, graphite, and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).KetaSpire® PEEK is produced to the highest industry standards and is characterized by a distinct combination of properties, which include excellent wear resistance, best-in-class fatigue resistance, ease of melt processing, high purity, and excellent chemical resistance to organics, acids, and bases.These properties make it well-suited for applications in transportation, electronics, chemical processing, and industrial uses including oil and gas exploration and production. The resin is black in color in its natural state. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
注射 | 干燥温度 | ꢖ클 | °C | 干燥时间 | 댦. | hr | 料筒后部温度 | 렙 | °C | 料筒中部温度 | 렙 | °C | 料筒前部温度 | 렙클 | °C | 射嘴温度 | 렙ꊑ | °C | 模具温度 | ꢖ클 到 펗클 | °C | 注射速度 | 快速 | 螺杆压缩比 | 펗.클:ꢖ. 到 렙.클:ꢖ. |
物理性能 | 密度 / 比重 | ASTM D792 | ꢖ.댦클 | g/cm³ | 熔流率(熔体流动速率) | ASTM D1238 | 400°C/2.16 kg | 펗.댦 | g/10 min | 收缩率 3 | ASTM D955 | 流动 : 3.18 mm | .ꢖ 到 .렙 | % | 横向流动 : 3.18 mm | ꢖ.클 到 ꢖ. | % | 吸水率 | ASTM D570 | 24 hr | .ꢖ댦 | % |
硬度 | 洛氏硬度 | ASTM D785 | M 级 | ꊑ | 肖氏硬度 | ASTM D2240 | 邵氏 D, 1 秒 | ꊑ |
热性能 | 载荷下热变形温度 | ASTM D648 | 1.8 MPa, 未退火 | 펗ꝡꢖ | °C | 1.8 MPa, 退火 | 펗ꝡꢖ | °C | 玻璃转化温度 | ASTM D3418 | ꢖ클펗 | °C | 熔融峰值温度 | ASTM D3418 | 렙댦펗 | °C | 线形热膨胀系数 - 流动 | ASTM E831 | 0 到 150°C | 펗.펗殺-클 | cm/cm/°C | -50 到 50°C | 펗.펗殺-클 | cm/cm/°C | 比热 | DSC | 50°C | ꢖ렙 | J/kg/°C | 200°C | ꢖꊑ댦 | J/kg/°C | 导热系数 | ASTM E1530 | .댦 | W/m/K |
可燃性 | UL 阻燃等级 | UL 94 | 0.8 mm | - | 1.6 mm | - |
充模分析 | 熔体粘度 | ASTM D3835 | 400°C, 1000 sec^-1 | 펗 | Pa·s |
机械性能 | 拉伸模量 | -- 4 | ASTM D638 | ꢖꢖ | MPa | -- | ISO 527-2/1A/1 | ꢖ댦댦 | MPa | 拉伸应力 | 屈服 | ISO 527-2/1A/5 | ꢖ클 | MPa | -- | ASTM D638 | ꢖ렙렙 | MPa | 伸长率 | 断裂 4 | ASTM D638 | 펗.ꊑ | % | 断裂 | ISO 527-2/1A/5 | 펗.ꊑ | % | 弯曲模量 | -- | ASTM D790 | ꢖ클 | MPa | -- | ISO 178 | ꢖ댦ꝡ | MPa | 弯曲强度 | -- | ASTM D790 | 펗펗ꢖ | MPa | -- | ISO 178 | 펗ꢖꊑ | MPa | 压缩强度 | ASTM D695 | ꢖꢖ | MPa | 剪切强度 | ASTM D732 | .렙 | MPa | 摩擦系数 | ASTM D3702 | -- 5 | .펗클 | -- 6 | .렙 | -- 7 | .ꝡ | -- 8 | .ꊑ |
冲击性能 | 悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 | -- | ASTM D256 | ꝡ | J/m | -- | ISO 180 | ꝡ. | kJ/m² | 无缺口悬臂梁冲击 | -- | ASTM D4812 | 클렙 | J/m | -- | ISO 180 | 렙댦 | kJ/m² |