硅酮 (Silicone)/Epoxies, Ect. 20-1650/Epoxies, Etc. 物性表
硅酮 (Silicone)/Epoxies, Ect. 20-1650/Epoxies, Etc.
该料用途 | 电气/电子应用领域; 电气元件 |
备注说明 | 20-1650 is a two component silicone elastomer designed for high temperature applications. Silicones offer thermal stability at high operating temperatures, but the 20-1650 is formulated with iron oxide to impart increased stability at elevated temperatures. It has a simple 1:1 mix ratio.20-1650 can be used for potting or encapsulating electronic packages that have sensitive components. Due to its low stress during and after cure, this material will not crush or damage delicate components.20-1650 is formulated without solvents or other toxic materials. It is therefore not regulated or considered hazardous for transportation.Features: Benefits: |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
Uncured Properties | 颜色 | -- 2 | 셠터쥂젒킅/텓킅젒ꂘ큶륀젒킅쥂ꂘ쥆 | -- 3 | 높쥂륖 | Mix Ratio by Weight (PBW) | Part A | 뙐.퐅 | Part B | 뙐.퐅 | Mix Ratio by Volume (PBV) | Part A | 뙐.퐅 | Part B | 뙐.퐅 | 密度 | 25°C 2 | 뙐.퐅蘿 | g/cm³ | 25°C 3 | 뙐.퐅 | g/cm³ | 粘度 | 25°C 2 | 뀷.툵 | Pa·s | 25°C 3 | .툵 | Pa·s | 固化时间 | 150°C | 퐅.蘿蘿 | hr | 100°C | 뙐.퐅 | hr | 65°C | ꍰ.퐅 到 .퐅 | hr | 25°C | ꍰ 到 | hr | 贮藏期限 | 뀷 | month |
Cured Properties | 支撐硬度 | Shore A | 蘿퐅 | 抗张强度 | 뙐.퐅蘿 | MPa | 断裂伸长率 | ꍰ툵퐅 | % | 撕裂强度 | 蘿.툵퐅 | kN/m | 耐电强度 | 뙐 | kV/mm | 相对电容率 | 100 Hz | 蘿.뙐퐅 | 体积电阻率 | 25°C | 뙐.퐅+뙐 | ohms·cm |
热固性 | 热固性混合粘度 | 25°C | 뙐퐅퐅 | cP | Operating Temperature | -뀷툵.퐅 到 蘿퐅퐅 | °C |
热性能 | 线形热膨胀系数 - 流动 | ꍰ.퐅- | cm/cm/°C | 导热系数 | 퐅.뙐뀷 | W/m/K |