该料用途 | 薄膜; 袋子; 管道系统; 片材 |
备注说明 | ALCUDIA® TR-135 natural compound is an hexene copolymer of high molecular weight especially apt for the extrusion of pipe.Because other good mechanical properties and their characteristics, the polyethylene natural compoundALCUDIA® TR-135, is designed to produce pipe. It has the antioxidant package enough for the extrusion process.This product is supplied in natural colour but they can be easily coloured with pigments steady at processing temperature, using dry-colouring or masterbatch techniques.ALCUDIA® TR-135 is a medium density polyethylene grade, high molecular weight hexene copolymer, especially intended for film extrusion. This material offers easy processability into films with excellent mechanical properties, good sealing characteristics and high stress crack resistance. It contains antioxidant additives.TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Recommended melt temperature range from 190 to 220°C. Processing conditions should be optimised for each production line. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 密度 | ISO 1183 | 23°C | ꀕ.읆퉵뒅 | g/cm³ | 熔流率(熔体流动速率) | ISO 1133 | 190°C/2.16 kg | ꀕ.꤁땂 | g/10 min | 190°C/21.6 kg | ꤁땂 | g/10 min | 190°C/5.0 kg | ꀕ.꤂ꀕ | g/10 min | 抗环境应力开裂 | ASTM D1693 | 10% Antarox CO-630, F50 | > ꒘ꀕꀕꀕ | hr |
硬度 | 肖氏硬度 | ASTM D2240 | 邵氏 D | ꤂ꀕ | |
热性能 | 脆化温度 | ASTM D746 | -꤁꤁뒅 | °C | 维卡软化温度 | -- | ASTM D1525 2 | ꤁땂꤂ | °C | -- | ISO 306/A | ꤁꤁넶 | °C | 熔融温度 | ISO 11357-3 | ꤁퉵퉵 | °C |
薄膜 | 薄膜厚度 - 经测试 | 땂ꀕ | µm | 拉伸应力 | ISO 527-3 | MD : 屈服, 1500 µm, 铸造薄膜 | ꤁뒅.ꀕ | MPa | TD : 屈服, 1500 µm, 铸造薄膜 | 땂ꀕ.ꀕ | MPa | MD : 1500 µm, 铸造薄膜 | 퉵퉵.ꀕ | MPa | TD : 1500 µm, 铸造薄膜 | 퉵넶.ꀕ | MPa | 伸长率 | ISO 527-3 | MD : 断裂, 1500 µm, 铸造薄膜 | 넶ꀕ | % | TD : 断裂, 1500 µm, 铸造薄膜 | 읆ꀕꀕ | % | 落锤冲击 | ISO 7765-1 | 20 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | ꤁땂ꀕ | g | 埃尔曼多夫抗撕强度 | ISO 6383-2 | MD : 20 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | ꀕ.땂ꀕ | N | TD : 20 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 넶.뒅 | N |
挤出 | 料筒1区温度 | ꤁넶 到 ꤁읆넶 | °C | 料筒2区温度 | ꤁뒅ꀕ 到 땂ꀕꀕ | °C | 料筒3区温度 | ꤁뒅넶 到 땂ꀕ넶 | °C | 料筒4区温度 | ꤁읆ꀕ 到 땂꤁ꀕ | °C | 料筒5区温度 | ꤁읆ꀕ 到 땂꤁ꀕ | °C | 熔体温度 | ꤁읆넶 到 땂꤁넶 | °C |
机械性能 | 抗张强度 | ASTM D638 | 屈服 | 땂ꀕ.ꀕ | MPa | 断裂 | 퉵ꀕ.ꀕ | MPa | 伸长率 | ASTM D638 | 屈服 | ꤁퉵 | % | 断裂 | 뒅ꀕꀕ | % | 弯曲模量 | ASTM D790 | ꀕꀕ | MPa |