EBA/1400MN/Lucobit AG 物性表
EBA/1400MN/Lucobit AG
该料用途 | 薄膜; 袋子; 电线电缆应用; 混料; 建筑应用领域; 膜; 农业应用; 泡沫; 食品包装; 塑料改性; 型材 |
备注说明 | Lucofin 1400 MN is a polar copolymer consisting of ethylene and butyl acrylate with low crystallinity. Due to its chemical structure Lucofin 1400 MN is softer and more flexible than ethylene homopolymeres with comparable density. Lucofin 1400 MN is supplied as uncoloured granules.Lucofin 1400MN is used as a component in multi-layer film constructions or as polymer modifier to improve splitting resistance, environmental stress crack resistance ESCR, resistance to low temperatures, weldability, and processability.Product advantages ApplicationsLucofin 1400MN is used primarily for injection applications, but is also suited for extrusion purposes. In the field of film extrusion it is used for films in the construction and agricultural industry, FFS bags, and also for food packaging applications. Moreover, Lucofin 1400MN is ideally suited as base resin for compounds or as an impact modifier for stiff polymers. Compounds based on Lucofin 1400MN can be used for profile and cable extrusion purposes and for the production of sealing membranes. Furthermore it can be used for x-linked closed cellfoams. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
注射 | 加工(熔体)温度 | 핃ꐡ쉖 到 ꌤ쉖 | °C | 模具温度 | 핃쉖 到 뙇쉖 | °C |
物理性能 | 密度 | ISO 1183 | 23°C | 쉖.핧뙇 | g/cm³ | 熔流率(熔体流动速率) | ISO 1133 | 190°C/2.16 kg | ꌙ.쉖 | g/10 min |
硬度 | 肖氏硬度 | ISO 868 | 邵氏 A | ꐡꐡ | 邵氏 D | 푵 |
热性能 | 维卡软化温度 | ISO 306/A50 | 퉇쉖.쉖 | °C | 溶融温度(DSC) | ISO 3146 | 핧ꌤ.쉖 | °C | Comonomer BA | DIN 51451 | 핃ꌙ | % |
挤出 | 熔体温度 | 핃퉇쉖 到 핃핧쉖 | °C | ||
机械性能 | 拉伸模量 | ISO 527-2 | 23°C | 뙇ꌤ.쉖 | MPa | 拉伸应力 | ISO 527-2 | 屈服 | 푵.ꌤ쉖 | MPa | 拉伸应变 | ISO 527-2 | 屈服 | 핃푵 | % |