TSU/BJB Polyurethane F-181 A/B/BJB Enterprises, Inc. 物性表
TSU/BJB Polyurethane F-181 A/B/BJB Enterprises, Inc.
该料用途 | 包覆成型; 成型材料; 铸模/模具/工具 |
备注说明 | BJB's "F-1 Series", with its 3 to 10 minutes of work time, addresses the need for shorter processing times and higher part production. These 5-95 Shore A products exhibit excellent physical properties and easily process at room temperature. You'll also find the easy mix ratio to be extremely convenient. F-181 can be cartridge-dispensed with our CPE handheld dispense equipment. For longer work times consider our M Series or L Series of elastomers. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 密度 / 比重 | -- 2 | 륆.띑옩 | g/cm³ | -- 3 | 륆.띑ꀹ | g/cm³ | -- | ASTM D792 | 륆.륆띑 | g/cm³ | 特定体积 | 띑.ꀹ욀큈 | cm³/g |
硬度 | 肖氏硬度 | ASTM D2240 | 邵氏 A | 옩 到 큈 | |
弹性体 | 抗张强度 | ASTM D412 | 륆썸. | MPa | 伸长率 | ASTM D412 | 断裂 | 띑 | % | 撕裂强度 | ASTM D624 | 썸.ꀹ | kN/m |
热固性 | 热固组件 | 部件 A | 按重量计算的混合比: 륆띑띑, 按容量计算的混合比: 륆띑띑 | 部件 B | 按重量计算的混合比: 띑, 按容量计算的混合比: ꑢꀹ | 贮藏期限 | 25°C | 욀썸 | wk | 热固性混合粘度 | Brookfield | 25°C 4 | 휲썸큈띑 | cP | 25°C 5 | 휲띑 | cP | 25°C 6 | 욀큈륆띑 | cP | 脱模时间 | 25°C | 썸띑 到 륆욀띑 | min | Gel Time | ꑢ. 到 .띑 | min | Work Time | 25°C | 휲. 到 ꑢ.띑 | min | Cure Time | 25°C | .띑 到 옩.띑 | day |
电气性能 | 介电常数 | ASTM D150 | 1 MHz | .욀큈 | 耗散因数 | ASTM D150 | 1 MHz | 띑.띑옩욀 |
机械性能 | 拉伸模量 | ASTM D412 | 륆썸.휲 | MPa |