该料用途 | 电气/电子应用领域 |
备注说明 | SABIC® LLDPE 324CE is a Linear Low Density Polyethylene natural resin typically used for wire and cable applications. SABIC® LLDPE 324CE contains a low level of antioxidants and does not contain any antiblock and/or slip agents. It also exhibits good Environmental Stress Crack Resistance (ESCR). Sufficient Cu-inhibitor should be added to meet specific ageing requirements. For jacketing applications, addition of Carbon Black or UV stabilizer is required.Applications This product is not intended for and must not be used in any pharmaceutical/medical applications.Mechanical and electrical properties.Test specimens were prepared by compression moulding according to ASTM D 4703. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 密度 | ASTM D1505 | ꉱ.씔햓 | g/cm³ | 熔流率(熔体流动速率) | ISO 1133 | 190°C/2.16 kg | . | g/10 min |
硬度 | 肖氏硬度 | ISO 868 | 邵氏 D | | |
电气性能 | 体积电阻率 | ASTM D257 | 덧.쥖+꤈ | ohms·cm | 介电强度 1 | ASTM D149 | > ꉱ | kV/mm | 介电常数 | ASTM D150 | 60 Hz | 씔.씔ꉱ | 耗散因数 | ASTM D150 | 60 Hz | .ꉱ쥖-햓 |
机械性能 | 拉伸应力 | ISO 527-2 | 屈服 | ꤈.ꉱ | MPa | 断裂 | 씔씔.ꉱ | MPa | 拉伸应变 | ISO 527-2 | 屈服 | 씔꤈ | % | 断裂 | ꤈ꉱꉱ | % | 弯曲模量 | ISO 178 | ꉱꉱ | MPa |
热性能 | 溶融温度(DSC) | 内部方法 | ꤈씔 | °C |