LLDPE/S1/Heritage Plastics, Inc. 物性表
LLDPE/S1/Heritage Plastics, Inc.
该料用途 | 薄膜; 流延薄膜 |
备注说明 | A highly filled calcium carbonate concentrate with 1% quick blooming slip added provides sufficient COF control in a variety of input levels in polyolefin films.Suitable Applications:blown filmcast film(any application requiring slip)Environmentally BeneficialCalcium carbonate is a plentiful, natural mineral and can be used to effectively displace a signifi- cant portion of the petrochemical based compo- nent in the targeted application. The improved productivity and the lower energy consumption awarded by using our concentrates all help to minimize the carbon footprint of the end product.Regulatory ComplianceThe ingredients in our concentrates are approved for use in direct food contact packaging and are heavy metals free making them compliant with regulations such as California Proposition 65 and CONEG. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 密度 | ASTM D792 | 뚓.펂놔 | g/cm³ | 熔流率(熔体流动速率) | ASTM D1238 | 190°C/2.16 kg | 뚓.쁱 | g/10 min | 湿度 | ASTM D6980 | < 뚓쁱쁱쁱 | ppm |