PVOH/C8310 76u/MonoSol, LLC 物性表
PVOH/C8310 76u/MonoSol, LLC
该料用途 | 包装; 薄膜 |
备注说明 | MonoDose TM Crystal TM C8310 is a PVOH based thermoplastic film, soluble in cold water and manufactured using MonoSol's proprietary solution cast technology.MonoDose™ Crystal™ C8310 film has been specially formulated to be a clear film that is resistant to both alkaline and acidic hydrolysis. Coupling its rapid cold water solubility and compatibility to both alkaline and slightly acidic compounds, C8310 is an excellent candidate for delivery systems including industrial chemicals, disinfectants and detergents. Standard thicknesses are 38 micron (1.5 mil), 51 micron (2.0 mil) and 76 micron (3.0 mil). |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
薄膜 | 薄膜厚度 - 经测试 | 롆 | µm | 割线模量 - 100%, MD | ASTM D882, ISO 527-3 | 76 µm | ꔄ졹.팡 | MPa | 抗张强度 - MD | 断裂, 76 µm | ASTM D882 | 팡팡.퉔 | MPa | 76 µm | ISO 527-3 | 팡팡.퉔 | MPa | 伸长率 - MD | ASTM D882, ISO 527-3 | 断裂, 76 µm | ꥅ | % | 落锤冲击 | ASTM D1709, DIN 53433 | 76 µm | 졹졹 | g | 埃尔曼多夫抗撕强度 - MD | 76 µm | ASTM D1922 | ꔄꔄ | g | 76 µm | ISO 6383-2 | ꔄꔄ | N |
物理性能 | 含水量 | 23°C | 롆. | wt% | 可溶性 3 | Disintegration : 10°C, 76.2 µm | 팡. | sec | Dissolution : 10°C, 76.2 µm | . | sec |