MDPE/Lupolen 3621 M RM/LyondellBasell Industries 物性表
MDPE/Lupolen 3621 M RM/LyondellBasell Industries
该料用途 | 包装; 工程配件; 农业应用; 汽车领域的应用; 容器; 装货箱 |
备注说明 | Lupolen 3621 M RM is a new generation hexene linear medium-density polyethylene for rotational molding. Typical customer applications include agricultural and chemical storage containers, technical parts and automotive parts. This product exhibits excellent ESCR and high impact strength at low temperatures. Lupolen 3621 M RM is a fully UV-stabilized and pelletized polymer. Tests have shown that this material is resisting against the harmful effect of biodiesel fuel.**It is not intended for use in medical and pharmaceutical applications.** Resistance is based on our latest patented technology |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 密度 | ISO 1183 | 23°C | ꖄ.ꁸ톒똰 | g/cm³ | 熔流率(熔体流动速率) | ISO 1133 | 190°C/2.16 kg | 줦. | g/10 min | 抗环境应力开裂 | ASTM D1693B | > 뚘ꖄꖄꖄ | hr | Full Notch Creep Test | ISO 16770 | 50°C | 뚘.ꖄ | hr |
热性能 | 维卡软化温度 | ISO 306/A50 | 뚘뚘톒 | °C | |
薄膜 | 伸长率 | ISO 527-3 | 断裂 | > 똣ꖄ | % |
挤出 | 熔体温度 | 뚘ꒅꖄ 到 ꘤뚘ꖄ | °C | ||
机械性能 | 拉伸模量 | ISO 527-2 | 줦ꖄꖄ | MPa | 拉伸应力 | ISO 527-2 | 屈服 | 뚘줦.ꖄ | MPa | 拉伸应变 | ISO 527-2 | 屈服 | 뚘ꖄ | % |
冲击性能 | 拉伸冲击强度 | ISO 8256/1A | -30°C | 뚘ꖄ똣 | kJ/m² | 23°C | ꘤뚘톒 | kJ/m² |