用途 管材 鞋类 LIGHTING APPLICATIONS 工程配件 个人护理 护罩 LEDS 照明应用 电线电缆应用 轴承 BCF 长丝 薄壁部件 文具 暂无明确用途 齿轮 挤出涂覆耐高温制品 通用 玩具 消费品应用领域 纺织应用 医疗护理用品 泵件 短纤维 电线护套 发光二极管 照明漫射器 工业应用 密封件 电器用具 TIRES 管件 汽车外部零件 衬套 汽车内部零件 汽车领域的应用 电气电子应用领域 航空航天应用
特性 良好的强度 HIGH LIGHT DIFFUSION 共聚物 均聚物 良好的电气性能 耐化学性良好 中宽分子量分布 耐热性高 半结晶 低温韧性 低翘曲性 食品接触的合规性 韧性良好 良好的加工性能 外观良好 静电放电保护 高强度 耐水解性 良好的流动性 激光标记 HIGH DIMENSIONAL STABILITY 可喷涂的 用蒸汽消毒 良好刚性 通用 自润滑 HIGH DIMENSIONAL STABILITY 低 CLTE 低翘曲性 导电 润滑 耐磨损性良好 润滑 导电性 高刚性 高光扩散 导电 水解稳定 清晰度高 冲击改性 流动性高 抗气体褪色性 低 CLTE 阻燃性
厂家 Ducor Petrochemicals BV 美国Enron LEHVOSS Group 日本帝人 TEIJIN LIMITED 三星第一毛织 德国莱曼 捷克SILON Eastman Chemical Company RTP Company 荷兰Ducor Guangdong Silver Age Sci & Tech. Co., Ltd 美国Eastman 沙伯基础 美国普立万 中国广东银禧 Daikin America, Inc. 中石化巴陵 SABIC Techmer Polymer Modifiers 德国朗盛

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  1105-0831  的物性记录约 20+条,本页只展示最多20条记录

PEEK|1105-0831|LEHVOSS Group

用途: 医疗护理用品
特性: 耐化学性良好 低翘曲性 耐水解性 良好的流动性 用蒸汽消毒 阻燃性
备注说明: Especially suitable for medical parts, superheated steam sterilizable, hydrolysis resistance Low warpage, isotropic shrinkage characteristics. Highly chemically-resistant parts, non flammable.

共聚多酯|0831|Eastman Chemical Company

用途: 电器用具 个人护理 文具 电气电子应用领域
特性: 耐化学性良好 清晰度高 流动性高 良好的加工性能
备注说明: Drystar™ 0831 Copolyester is a high flow product and contains a mold release. Other outstanding features of Drystar™ 0831 are easily maintained such as excellent appearance and clarity, good physical properties, chemical resistance, and easy processing. Drystar™ 0831 is for sale only in Asia as a hi...more.

PEEK|1105-0699|LEHVOSS Group

特性: High Dimensional Stability 低 CLTE 低翘曲性 导电 润滑
备注说明: Very strong and stiff parts; low coefficient of thermal expansion. Improved friction and wear behaviour. Optimised for dry running operations. Electrically conductive, suitable for continuous discharging of statically-generated electricity. High dimensionally stable precision parts with low warpage ...more.

PEEK|1105-8000|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 自润滑 良好的强度 水解稳定 耐化学性良好 耐磨损性良好 润滑 低 CLTE 阻燃性 良好刚性
备注说明: Improved friction and wear behaviour, self-lubricating, for highest tribological requirements. Dynamically-stressed parts moving at high velocity. Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. Strong, stiff parts; low thermal coefficient of expansion.

PEEK|1105-7678|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 自润滑 良好的强度 水解稳定 耐化学性良好 耐磨损性良好 润滑 低 CLTE 阻燃性 良好刚性
备注说明: Improved friction and wear behaviour, self-lubricating, for highest tribological requirements. Dynamically-stressed parts moving at high velocity. Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. Strong, stiff parts; low thermal coefficient of expansion.

PEEK|1105-7301|LEHVOSS Group

用途: 医疗护理用品
特性: 耐化学性良好 低翘曲性 耐水解性 激光标记 用蒸汽消毒 阻燃性
备注说明: Especially suitable for medical parts, superheated steam sterilizable, hydrolysis resistance Low warpage, isotropic shrinkage characteristics. Highly chemically-resistant parts, non flammable.

PEEK|1105-9537|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 良好的强度 耐化学性良好 High Dimensional Stability 良好刚性
备注说明: Strong, stiff parts. Especially suitable for medical parts, superheated steam sterilizable, hydrolysis resistance Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. High dimensionally stable precision parts, high continuous use temperature.

PEEK|1105-9531|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 良好的强度 导电 低 CLTE 良好刚性
备注说明: Very strong and stiff parts; low coefficient of thermal expansion. Especially suitable for dynamic-stress situations. Electrically conductive, suitable for continuous discharging of statically-generated electricity.


用途: 挤出涂覆耐高温制品

PEEK|1105-7107|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 良好的强度 低翘曲性 High Dimensional Stability 良好刚性
备注说明: Strong, stiff parts. High dimensionally stable precision parts. Low warpage.

PEEK|1105-8160|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 自润滑 良好的强度 水解稳定 耐化学性良好 耐磨损性良好 润滑 低 CLTE 阻燃性 良好刚性
备注说明: Improved friction and wear behaviour, self-lubricating, for highest tribological requirements. Dynamically-stressed parts moving at high velocity. Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. Strong, stiff parts; low thermal coefficient of expansion.


用途: Lighting Applications 照明漫射器 LEDs 汽车内部零件
特性: High Light Diffusion
备注说明: Light diffusion grade, (Non corresponding UL96)

PEEK|1105/BK0873|LEHVOSS Group

用途: 医疗护理用品
特性: 耐化学性良好 低翘曲性 耐水解性 用蒸汽消毒 阻燃性
备注说明: Especially suitable for medical parts, superheated steam sterilizable, hydrolysis resistance Low warpage, isotropic shrinkage characteristics. Highly chemically-resistant parts, non flammable.

PEEK|1105-9527|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 良好的强度 自润滑 耐化学性良好 水解稳定 耐磨损性良好 润滑 低 CLTE 阻燃性 良好刚性
备注说明: Strong, stiff parts; low thermal coefficient of expansion. Dynamically-stressed parts moving at high velocity. Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. Improved friction and wear behaviour, self-lubricating, for highest tribological requirements.

PEEK|1105-7106|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 水解稳定 耐化学性良好 耐磨损性良好 低翘曲性 润滑 阻燃性
备注说明: Improved friction and wear behaviour. Optimised for dry running operations. Dynamically-stressed parts moving at high velocity. Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. Low warpage.

PEEK|1105-0858|LEHVOSS Group

用途: 医疗护理用品
特性: 耐化学性良好 耐水解性 High Dimensional Stability 用蒸汽消毒
备注说明: Strong, stiff parts. Especially suitable for medical parts, superheated steam sterilizable, hydrolysis resistance Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. High dimensionally stable precision parts, high continuous use temperature.

PEEK|1105-9018|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 水解稳定 耐化学性良好 耐磨损性良好 低翘曲性 润滑 阻燃性
备注说明: Improved friction and wear behaviour. Optimised for dry running operations. Dynamically-stressed parts moving at high velocity. Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. Low warpage.

PEEK|1105-8167|LEHVOSS Group

特性: 自润滑 良好的强度 水解稳定 耐化学性良好 耐磨损性良好 润滑 低 CLTE 阻燃性 良好刚性
备注说明: Improved friction and wear behaviour, self-lubricating, for highest tribological requirements. Dynamically-stressed parts moving at high velocity. Chemically- and hydrolytically- resistant parts, non flammable. Strong, stiff parts; low thermal coefficient of expansion.