品类 PA610 PVC,刚硬 SBS 尼龙610 PEBA-醚
用途 工程配件 外壳 医疗护理用品 连接器 透明鞋材专用 汽车领域的应用 非特定食品应用
特性 耐化学性良好 低吸湿性 润滑 UV STABILIZED 高刚性 刚性高 良好抗撞击性 可加工性良好 光稳定 GOOD HEAT RESISTANCE 抗结块性 高强度 抗紫 热稳定性
厂家 Arkema Technical Polymers 台湾李长荣 AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH 李长荣化工(福聚) 德国开德阜 Westlake Chemical Corporation 美国Axiall

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  3533  的物性记录约 9

PEBA-醚|3533 SP 01|Arkema Technical Polymers

特性: 光稳定 Good Heat Resistance 抗结块性 UV Stabilized 抗紫
备注说明: Polyether block amide Pebax® 3533 SP 01 resin is a thermoplastic elastomer made of flexible polyether and rigid polyamide. This SP grade has been developed to be heat and UV resistant.Main applications: Packaging:This grade is delivered dried in sealed packaging (25 kg bags) ready to be processed....more.

PEBA-醚|3533 SA 01|Arkema Technical Polymers

用途: 非特定食品应用
备注说明: Polyether block amide Pebax® 3533 SA 01 is a thermoplastic elastomer made of flexible polyether and rigid polyamide. This SA grade is specially designed to food uses.Main applications:Note: this grade is not recommended by Arkema for usage in medical applications. For such applications Pebax® SA 01 ...more.

PEBA-醚|3533 SA 01 MED|Arkema Technical Polymers

用途: 医疗护理用品
特性: 润滑
备注说明: Polyether block amide Pebax® 3533 SA 01 MED resin is a thermoplastic elastomer made of flexible polyether and rigid polyamide.This grade offers the highest quality and it is specially designed to meet the stringent requirements of the medical applications such as minimally invasive devices.Upon requ...more.

PVC,刚硬|Axiall PVC 3533|美国Axiall

特性: 刚性高 可加工性良好


用途: 透明鞋材专用

PVC,刚硬|Westlake PVC 3533|Westlake Chemical Corporation

特性: 刚性高 良好抗撞击性
备注说明: 3533 is a rigid, twin-screw extrusion PVC powder substrate compound for interior applications. The product is designed for good impact and adhesion to capstock compounds.

尼龙610|S3 GF 50 1 natural (3533)|AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH

用途: 工程配件 外壳 连接器 汽车领域的应用
特性: 耐化学性良好 低吸湿性 高强度 热稳定性 高刚性
备注说明: AKROMID® S3 GF 50 1 natural (3533) is a 50% glass fibre reinforced, heat stabilised polyamide 6.10 with very high stiffness and strength as well as lower moisture absorption, high chemical resistance and light inherent color.Precision parts for apparatus engineering and precision mechanics as well a...more.