用途 玩具 纺织应用 色带 装饰部件 BCF 线 工业部件 把手 织物 眼镜 化妆品 体育用品 涂层应用 纤维补强带 汽车领域的应用 电气电子应用领域 线
特性 良好的强度 良好粘结性 高光 耐热性高 经增塑 防霉 低翘曲性 韧性良好 刚性高 硬度高 无定形的 可更新资源 尺寸稳定性良好 柔软 热稳定性 良好的着色性 METALLIZED
厂家 Hangzhou Jinxin Filming Packaging Co., Ltd. Eastman Chemical Company 美国Eastman

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  Acetate Yarn  的物性记录约 10

CA|Acetate Yarn|Eastman Chemical Company

用途: 纺织应用 色带 BCF 线 纤维补强带 织物
特性: 防霉 可更新资源 尺寸稳定性良好 柔软 良好的着色性 无定形的
备注说明: Fabrics woven or knit from acetate filament yarns have the look and feel of luxury. Consisting of pure cellulose acetate, Eastman Estron™ acetate yarn is available in bright and dull lusters.Because of its inherent whiteness, Eastman Estron™ acetate yarn can be dyed to render apparel fabrics that ar...more.

CA|Acetate 105E1R26033 Clear, Trsp|Eastman Chemical Company

用途: 玩具 化妆品 装饰部件 体育用品 把手 眼镜
特性: 良好的强度 高光 经增塑 可更新资源 柔软 热稳定性 韧性良好 硬度高
备注说明: Tenite™ cellulosic plastics are noted for their excellent balance of properties - toughness, hardness, strength, surface gloss, clarity, and a warm feel. The mechanical properties of Tenite™ cellulosic plastics differ with plasticizer levels. Lower plasticizer content yields a harder surface, higher...more.

CA|Acetate 105E1R26029 Clear, Trsp|美国Eastman

用途: 工业部件 汽车领域的应用 电气电子应用领域
特性: 耐热性高 低翘曲性 刚性高

CA|Acetate 105E3V36327 Clear, Trsp|Eastman Chemical Company

用途: 眼镜
特性: 良好的强度 高光 经增塑 可更新资源 柔软 韧性良好 硬度高
备注说明: Tenite™ cellulosic plastics are noted for their excellent balance of properties - toughness, hardness, strength, surface gloss, clarity, and a warm feel. The mechanical properties if Tenite™ cellulosic plastics differ with plasticizer levels. Lower plasticizer content yields a harder surface, higher...more.

CA|Tenite™ Acetate 105E4T62328 Natural, Trsp|Eastman Chemical Company

用途: 眼镜
特性: 良好的强度 高光 经增塑 可更新资源 柔软 韧性良好 硬度高
备注说明: Tenite™ cellulosic plastics are noted for their excellent balance of properties - toughness, hardness, strength, surface gloss, clarity, and a warm feel. The mechanical properties if Tenite™ cellulosic plastics differ with plasticizer levels. Lower plasticizer content yields a harder surface, higher...more.

Film, PET|Hangzhou Jinxin VMPET Film for Metallic Yarn/Glitter Powder|Hangzhou Jinxin Filming Packaging

用途: 涂层应用 线
特性: 良好粘结性 Metallized
备注说明: Product performance: Application: It is extensively used in the metallic yarn and coating process.