用途 片材 薄膜 塑料改性 混合
特性 共聚物 清晰度高 流动性高

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  CO3000  的物性记录约 1

PPh+PC|CO3000|FRX Polymers, Inc.

用途: 片材 薄膜 塑料改性 混合
特性: 共聚物 清晰度高 流动性高
备注说明: Nofia® CO3000 is a poly(phosphonate-co-carbonate) and is part of a family of products that can be produced in a range of compositions from high to low phosphonate content. The copolymers have good impact resistance and glass transition temperatures while maintaining high melt flow and a high limitin...more.