品类 PMMA 丙烯酸 (PMMA)
用途 LIGHTING APPLICATIONS 医疗护理用品 船舶应用 汽车外部装饰 镜头 汽车外部零件 照明装置 汽车领域的应用 汽车配件照明装置
特性 共聚物 高光 耐热性高 光学性能 抗划伤性高 耐气候影响 耐气 耐热 高强度 良好的流动性 HIGH LIGHT TRANSMISSION 良好的着色性 耐气候影响性能良好
厂家 Evonik Cyro LLC Evonik Industries AG 德国赢创德固赛 德国赢创(德固赛)

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  FT15  的物性记录约 7


用途: 汽车配件照明装置
特性: 耐热

丙烯酸 (PMMA)|Heatresist FT15|Evonik Cyro LLC

用途: Lighting Applications 船舶应用 医疗护理用品 镜头 汽车领域的应用
特性: 共聚物 高强度 光学性能 High Light Transmission 抗划伤性高 耐气
备注说明: When high heat resistance and lighting efficiency is desired ACRYLITE® Heatresist acrylic compounds provide the solution. They offer all the advantages of PMMA including weatherability and optics but provide another level of heat resistance. These copolymers are based on methyl methacrylate (MMA) wi...more.

丙烯酸 (PMMA)|Heatresist FT15|Evonik Industries AG

用途: Lighting Applications 汽车领域的应用
特性: 耐热性高 良好的流动性 High Light Transmission 耐气候影响性能良好
备注说明: PLEXIGLAS® Heatresist FT15 is a special acrylic-based polymer.With regard to its PLEXIGLAS® Heatresist FT15 shows comparable properties to those of PLEXIGLAS® standard molding compounds. In addition, PLEXIGLAS® Heatresist FT15 offers the special benefit of aApplication:PLEXIGLAS® Heatresist FT15 is ...more.

丙烯酸 (PMMA)|Hi-Gloss FT15|Evonik Cyro LLC

用途: 汽车外部装饰 照明装置 汽车领域的应用
特性: 高强度 High Light Transmission 良好的着色性 抗划伤性高 耐气候影响
备注说明: ACRYLITE® Hi-Gloss FT15 polymer is an amorphous thermoplastic molding and extrusion compound based on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). ACRYLITE® Hi-Gloss FT15 polymer is available in a range of opaque colors including deep jet black.Typical properties of ACRYLITE® Hi-Gloss acrylic polymers are: T...more.

丙烯酸 (PMMA)|Hi-Gloss FT15 black 9V022|Evonik Industries AG

用途: 汽车外部零件 汽车领域的应用
特性: 高光 耐热性高 良好的流动性 耐气候影响性能良好
备注说明: PLEXIGLAS® Hi-Gloss FT15 black 9V022 is a special acrylic-based polymer.With regard to its PLEXIGLAS® Hi-Gloss FT15 9V022 shows comparable properties to those of PLEXIGLAS® standard molding compounds. In addition, PLEXIGLAS® Hi-Gloss FT15 9V022 offers the special benefit of aApplication:PLEXIGLAS® ...more.