特性 抗静电性 高强度 润滑 UV STABILIZED 韧性良好 阻燃性 良好的成型性能
厂家 Generic RTP Company 美国RTP Polykemi AB

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  PAS  的物性记录约 20+条,本页只展示最多20条记录

PAS|Generic PAS - Glass Fiber|Generic

备注说明: This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic PAS - Glass FiberThis information is provided for comparative purposes only.

PAS|Generic PAS - Glass Fiber|Generic

备注说明: 填料:玻璃纤维增强材料。

PAS|RTP 1602|RTP Company

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1600|RTP Company

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1603|RTP Company

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1687|RTP Company

特性: 抗静电性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1685|RTP Company

特性: 抗静电性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1605|RTP Company

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1601|RTP Company

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1607|RTP Company

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1601 L|RTP Company

特性: 高强度 润滑 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1600 Z|RTP Company

备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.-Preliminary Product Data per RTP Co.-

PAS|RTP 1600 L|RTP Company

特性: 润滑
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.-Preliminary Product Data per RTP Co.-

PAS|RTP 1607|美国RTP

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: 填料:玻璃纤维增强材料, 40% 填料按重量。

PAS|RTP 1605|美国RTP

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: 填料:玻璃纤维增强材料, 30% 填料按重量。

PAS|RTP 1605 Z|RTP Company

备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.-Preliminary Product Data per RTP Co.-

PAS|RTP 1685|美国RTP

特性: 抗静电性
备注说明: 填料:碳纤维增强材料, 30% 填料按重量。

PAS|RTP 1602 L|RTP Company

特性: 高强度 润滑 韧性良好 阻燃性
备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.

PAS|RTP 1601 Z|RTP Company

备注说明: Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'The data for this material has not been recently verified.Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade.-Preliminary Product Data per RTP Co.-

PAS|RTP 1600|美国RTP

特性: 高强度 韧性良好 阻燃性