品类 PP PPA PP均聚 TPE PFA PUR-酯/醚,TDI PUR-醚,脂肪族 TPO (POE) LDPE ABS PA66 尼龙6 环氧 TPU MMDPE 全氟聚合物 PA6 PUR-MDI TPU-聚脂 乙烯共聚物 PUR-TDI PC PP均聚物 PUR-脂肪族/TDI PP,未指定 PC/ABS TPU/DB 40
用途 室外应用 汽车 薄膜 阀门阀门部件 粘合剂 把手 混料 食品服务领域 外壳 轴承 隔膜 医疗器械 过滤器 注塑制品 铸模模具工具 薄质涂料 泵件 型材 液体处理 牙刷柄 流延薄膜 家电 信息技术设备 电气元件 密封件 柔软触感应用 传送带修补 涂层应用 飞机应用 电气电子应用领域 航空航天应用 鞋类 LIGHTING APPLICATIONS 其他结构件内部零部件 护罩 照明应用 吹塑成型应用 电影 薄片 电缆护套 家用货品 配件 电线电缆应用 暂无明确用途 管道 半导体模制化合物 通用 玩具 耐热循环性和成型加工性优良的制品 消费品应用领域 食品包装 电器零部件 包装 吹塑应用 水箱 绝缘材料 衬里 电线护套 机器机械部件 工业应用 管道系统 家电部件 浸渍类用途 开关 电器用具 电子绝缘 管件 汽车外部零件 衬套 混合 构件 汽车领域的应用 非特定食品应用
特性 脱模 良好粘结性 高 ESCR抗应力开裂 低摩擦系数 低吸湿性 低烟度 良好的电气性能 良好的熔体强度 良好的柔韧性 流动性低 纯度高 食品接触的合规性 低摩擦系数 高 ESCR抗应力开裂 高强度 绝缘 抗燃 抗溶剂性 抗紫外线性能良好 GOOD ESCR STRESS CRACK RESIST 收缩性低 柔软 可切削 可回收材料 中流动性 抗溶剂性 流动性低 良好的柔韧性 热稳定性良好 填充 尺寸稳定性良好 良好的着色性 低摩擦系数 流动性中 耐低温 良好的电气性能 低烟度 耐化学性良好 可焊接 无氯 GOOD CLARITY 低摩擦系数 高 ESCR抗应力开裂 流动性高 耐化学性良好 抗静电 低摩擦系数 高强度 抗燃 良好的开裂抵抗 流动性高 耐化学性良好 耐气候影响性能良好 有弹性 耐气候影响性能良好 耐磨损性良好 低摩擦系数 高 ESCR抗应力开裂 共聚物 绝缘 抗燃 抗溶剂性 抗紫外线性能良好 刚性高 低摩擦系数 低吸湿性 低烟度 高 ESCR抗应力开裂 良好的电气性能 良好的抗蠕变性 良好抗撞击性 中分子量 水解稳定 耐酸 阻燃性 均聚物 耐化学性良 半结晶 无卤 低摩擦系数 高强度 抗燃 良好的开裂抵抗 耐化学性良好 耐气候影响性能良好 耐油性能 低摩擦系数 低吸湿性 低烟度 良好的电气性能 良好的熔体强度 良好的柔韧性 流动性高 良好的加工性能 快的成型周期 低萃取物 硬度高 光稳定 可电镀 良好的流动性 自润滑 良好的 抗静电性 气味低到无 UV STABILIZED 耐碱 导电 清晰度高 抗紫外线性能良好 无粘 流动性高 GOOD HEAT RESIST 中密度 CHLORINE FREE 延高的拉伸率 共聚物 热稳定 耐热性高 低翘曲性 自熄 耐化学 低摩 绝缘 己烯共聚单体 抗撞击性良好 无溴 良好的耐热老化性能 无粘性 低透气性 低吸湿性 低粘度 光学性能 玻纤增强 耐刮擦性 良好的撕裂强度 优良外观 良好的柔韧 可加工性良好 GOOD CLARITY 良好的抗蠕变性 良好的熔体强度 阻燃 无毒性 良好
厂家 俄罗斯UCC 新湖(常州)石化 台湾欣顺 KRAIBURG TPE Shandong Huaxia Shenzhou New Material Co., Ltd. 德国凯柏胶宝 Solvay Specialty Polymers 大金氟化工 LyondellBasell Industries 匈牙利Inno-Comp 上海矶野 德国巴斯夫 美国3M UCC Shchekinoazot Technovinyl Polymers India Ltd. Saint Gobain - Norton 印度Technovinyl 舒尔曼塑料 Trinseo 德国特尔 匈牙利INNO Daikin America, Inc. 日本住友化学 Techmer Polymer Modifiers Kingfa 印度Bhansali Generic 3M Advanced Materials Division Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd. RTP Company 新湖石化 Americhem Engineered Compounds 美国苏威 Anderson Development Company 宁波台化 TOTAL Refining & Chemicals 日本诺格达克 LG化学 BASF Polyurethanes GmbH 美国Hapco PolyFlo, Inc. 中国金发科技 意大利API Inno-Comp Ltd. 美国盛禧奥 The Chemours Company Hapco Inc. 美国Styron

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  PFA AP-201SH  的物性记录约 20+条,本页只展示最多20条记录

PFA|PFA AP-201SH|Daikin America, Inc.

用途: 半导体模制化合物
特性: 流动性高 纯度高
备注说明: Neoflon® PFA AP-201SH is a high purity grade resin especially designed for the usage in the semiconductor industry. It is superior in melt flowability and is suitable for complex and small shape articles.Typical Applications: Complex injection molded parts.

PFA|AP-201SH|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 纯度高 良好的流动性
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|PFA AP-230ASL|Daikin America, Inc.

用途: 管件
特性: 抗静电性
备注说明: Neoflon® PFA AP-230ASL is an anti-static grade suitable for extrusion molding.Typical Applications: Extrusion molded parts and tubing.

PFA|PFA AP-211SH|Daikin America, Inc.

用途: 管道系统 外壳 配件 阀门阀门部件 泵件 半导体模制化合物
特性: 高 ESCR抗应力开裂 纯度高 良好的柔韧性
备注说明: Neoflon® PFA AP-211SH is a high purity grade resin especially designed for the semiconductor industry. It offers long-term flexibility and excellent stress crack resistance.Typical Applications: Fittings, pump parts, wafer baskets, filter housings, pipe, valves.

PFA|PFA AP-201|Daikin America, Inc.

用途: 电线护套 电线电缆应用
特性: 流动性高
备注说明: Neoflon® PFA AP-201 is a high melt flow PFA resin with superior melt flowability. It is suitable for injection-molded articles that have complex shape, and for thin wall wire coating.Typical Applications: Complex and small shapes by injection molding and thin wall wire insulation.

PFA|PFA AP-210|Daikin America, Inc.

用途: 电线护套 电线电缆应用 管件
特性: 中流动性
备注说明: Neoflon® PFA AP-210 is a medium melt flow PFA resin suitable for injection molding and for electrical wire coatings.Typical Applications: Tubing, wire insulation and injection molded parts.

PFA|PFA AP-231SH|Daikin America, Inc.

用途: 衬里 管件 半导体模制化合物
特性: Good ESCR Stress Crack Resist 纯度高 良好的柔韧性
备注说明: Neoflon® PFA AP-231SH is a high purity grade resin especially designed for the semiconductor industry with long-term flexibility and good stress crack resistance. It is suitable for extrusion, compression molding and transfer molding.Typical Applications: Tubing and linings

PFA|PFA AP-230|Daikin America, Inc.

用途: 衬里 电缆护套 管件
特性: 高 ESCR抗应力开裂
备注说明: Neoflon® PFA AP-230 is a PFA resin suitable for various linings. It has superior stress crack resistance. It can be processed by extrusion, transfer molding and compression molding.Typical Applications: Tubing and cable jacket, linings.

PFA|PFA AP-221SH|Daikin America, Inc.

用途: 电线护套 管件 半导体模制化合物
特性: 纯度高
备注说明: Neoflon® PFA AP-221SH is a high purity grade resin especially designed for the semiconductor industry. It can also be used for extrusion of small tubing and small wire insulation.Typical Applications: Tubing and small wire insulation.

PFA|AP-215SH|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

用途: 泵件
特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 纯度高
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-231SH|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 高 ESCR抗应力开裂 纯度高
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-230ASL|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 抗静电性
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-210AS|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 抗静电性
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-211SH|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

用途: 泵件
特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 高 ESCR抗应力开裂 纯度高
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-230AS|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 抗静电性
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-210|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 良好的流动性
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-230|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 高 ESCR抗应力开裂
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-202|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

用途: 电线护套
特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 流动性高
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|AP-201|Daikin Fluorochemicals (China) Co., Ltd.

用途: 电线护套
特性: 高温强度 共聚物 清晰度高 良好的流动性
备注说明: NEOFLON PFA is a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkyl vinylether. It is a perfluoro polymer consisting of only carbon atoms and fluorine atoms without any hydrogen atom. It has the same excellent performance as PTFE in a wide range from extremely low to high temperatures. In addition,...more.

PFA|Generic PFA|Generic

备注说明: This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic PFAThis information is provided for comparative purposes only.