用途 鞋类 织物涂料 薄膜 护罩 药物 阀门阀门部件 LEDS 印刷电路板 粘合剂 汽车的发动机罩下的零件 包覆成型 金属取代 电脑组件 滚轴 体育用品 配件 低温应用 塑料改性 电线电缆应用 涂料 隔膜 体育器材水上 医疗器械 管道 通用 消费品应用领域 印刷电路板粘合剂 食品包装 医疗护理用品 电子显示器 连接器 包装 PAINT 导管 电气元件 袋子 工业应用 垫圈 密封件 汽车外部装饰 涂层应用 管件 混合 汽车领域的应用 电气电子应用领域
特性 良好粘结性 半结晶 纯度高 食品接触的合规性 无卤 韧性良好 低的压缩变形性 结晶 良好的加工性能 高分子量 减震 低温下的柔性 柔软 良好的流动性 可交联 硬度低 抗溶剂性 良好刚性 自润滑 良好的加工稳定性 耐低温冲击 耐疲劳性能 良好的加 良好的柔韧性 无定形的 热稳定性良好 快速固化 清晰度高 抗紫外线性能良好 冲击改性 流动性高 尺寸稳定性良好 卤化 良好的着色性 低摩擦系数 共聚物 耐低温 低烟度 耐化学性良好 低 VOC 耐油性能 耐热性高 GOOD COMPRESSION SET 半导电 BLOCK COPOLYMER 外观良好 GOOD HEAT RESISTANCE 高强度 高抗撞击性 无溴 耐气候影响性能良好 低密度 通用 耐用性 低粘度 耐磨损性良好 良好的撕裂强度 除气作用低至无 可加工性良好 耐燃油性 防潮 良好耐磨损性 可粘结性 高拉伸强度 良好的抗蠕变性 低 CLTE 良好的熔体强度 辛烯共聚单体 吸水低或不吸水 耐扭结 阻燃性
厂家 UBE Industries, Ltd. Generic SHIN-A T&C 日本宇部 Mitsubishi Chemical Performance Polymers, Inc. Nantong Polymax Elastomer Technology, Co., Ltd. Shinil Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Shin-Etsu Silicones of America Topas Advanced Polymers, Inc. 日本宝理 DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers Polymer Dynamix Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd. 韩国信一化学 Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. 韩国SHIN-A SK Global Chemical 日本信越有机硅

搜索结果列表 共搜到关于  Shin-Etsu Elastomer FEA-261U  的物性记录约 20+条,本页只展示最多20条记录

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FEA-261U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FEA-261 U is one of a series of fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate hardnesses.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FEA-271U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FEA-271 U is one of a series of fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate hardnesses.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FEA-251U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FEA-251 U is one of a series of fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate hardnesses. - Excellent fuel and solvent resistance.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FEA-241U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FEA-241 U is one of a series of fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate harnesses.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FE-361U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 高拉伸强度 良好的撕裂强度 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FE-361 U is one of a series of high tensile, high tear fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate hardnesses - Excellent fuel and solvent resistance. - Usable over a broad temperature...more.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer SFX-19250BM|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 良好的加工性能 耐燃油性
备注说明: SFX 19250BM is one of a series of fluorosilicone/silicone bases designed for lower cost fuel resistance applications

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FE-371U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 高拉伸强度 良好的撕裂强度 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FE-371 U is one of a series of high tensile, high tear fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate hardnesses

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FE-361TU|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 高拉伸强度 良好的撕裂强度 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FE-361 TU is one of a series of high tensile, high tear translucent fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate hardnesses

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FE-341U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 高拉伸强度 良好的撕裂强度 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FE-341 U is one of a series of high tensile, high tear fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate hardnesses. - Excellent fuel and solvent resistance.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer SFX-14032AU|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shincor SFX-14032AU is normal 90 durometer fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FE-381U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 高拉伸强度 良好的撕裂强度 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FE-381 U is one of a series of high tensile, high tear fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications. It can be blended with other members of the series for intermediate hardnesses

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FE-281U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

备注说明: Catalyzed with 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(t-Butyl Peroxy) hexane 100% active at 0.65 parts per 100 base.Press cured 10 min. @ 170 °C.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FE-401U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FE-401 U is a fluorosilicone/silicone blend. It is designed to process well in molding applications. - Good fuel and oil resistance.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer FE-221U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 硬度低 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shin-Etsu FE-221 U is a low durometer fluorosilicone base which readily accepts extending fillers for compounding to higher durometers.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer SFX-14036AU|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

特性: 良好的加工性能 抗溶剂性 耐燃油性
备注说明: Shincor SFX-14036AU is normal 75 durometer fluorosilicone compounds. It is designed to process well in molding applications.

Fluoro Si|Shin-Etsu Elastomer SF-11500U|Shin-Etsu Silicones of America

用途: 垫圈 密封件
特性: 良好的加工稳定性 硬度低 良好的加工性能
备注说明: SF-11500U is a low durometer and low modulus fluorosilicone with excellent processing ability.Typical Applications