PEEK/unfilled PEEK/Ensinger Inc. 物性表
PEEK/unfilled PEEK/Ensinger Inc.
该料用途 | 医疗/护理用品; 工业应用; 核能应用; 汽车领域的应用; 电气/电子应用领域; 石油/天然气用品;... |
备注说明 | TECAPEEK PEEK material (chemically known as polyetheretherketone) is manufactured by Ensinger in standard stock shapes for machining, and is extruded in sheet, rod and tube using Victrex® PEEK polymer. Well known for its high temperature resistance, PEEK is a unique semi-crystalline, engineering thermoplastic that also offers excellent chemical compatibility. Parts manufactured from high temperature plastic PEEK polymer can operate at temperatures up to 260°C (480°F) and has a melting point around 341°C (646°F). PEEK plastic is often used in hot water or steam environments while maintaining physical properties such as flexural and tensile strength on a high level. Polyetheretherketone is often viewed as one of the engineering thermoplastics that tends to command a high price, however experienced users have come to realize the added value that PEEK materials bring, by offering the possibility of manufacturing parts that are lighter, stronger and able to survive longer in harsh environments.TECAPEEK™s exceptional property profile enables it to be utilized in many of the most critical areas in general industry, as well as in the automotive, marine, nuclear, oil well, electronics, medical and aerospace fields. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
物理性能 | 密度 / 比重 | ASTM D792 | ꔲ.ꔲ | g/cm³ | 吸水率 | ASTM D570 | 24 hr, 23°C | .팒 | % | 饱和, 23°C | .혒 | % |
硬度 | 洛氏硬度 | ASTM D785 | M 级 | 沈沈 | |
热性能 | 载荷下热变形温度 | ASTM D648 | 1.8 MPa, 未退火 | ꔲ륇 | °C | 熔融温度 | | °C | 线形热膨胀系数 - 流动 | ASTM D696 | .혒-혒 | cm/cm/°C | 导热系数 | ASTM C177 | .팒沈 | W/m/K | Service Temperature | Intermittent | | °C | Long Term | 팒沈 | °C |
可燃性 | UL 阻燃等级 | UL 94 | 읅- | Limiting Pressure Velocity | 륇沈 | psi·fpm |
电气性能 | 表面电阻率 | ASTM D257 | ꔲ.+ꔲ륇 | ohms | 体积电阻率 | ASTM D257 | 23°C | .沈+ꔲ륇 | ohms·cm | 介电强度 | ASTM D149 | 팒혒 | kV/mm | 介电常数 | ASTM D150 | 23°C, 60 Hz | 팒. | 耗散因数 | ASTM D150 | 23°C, 60 Hz | .- |
机械性能 | 拉伸模量 | ASTM D638 | 23°C | | MPa | 抗张强度 | ASTM D638 | 屈服, 23°C | ꔲꔲ | MPa | 断裂, 23°C | ꔲꔲ | MPa | 伸长率 | ASTM D638 | 屈服, 23°C | .沈 | % | 断裂, 23°C | | % | 弯曲模量 | ASTM D790 | 23°C | ꔲ | MPa | 弯曲强度 | ASTM D790 | 23°C | ꔲ푰沈 | MPa | 压缩模量 | ASTM D695 | | MPa | 压缩强度 | ASTM D695 | 10% 应变, 23°C | ꔲ팒ꔲ | MPa | 摩擦系数 | ASTM D1894 | Dynamic | .팒 | 磨损因数 | ASTM D3702 | | 10^-8 mm³/N·m |
冲击性能 | 悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 | ASTM D256 | 23°C | 혒ꔲ | J/m |