mLLDPE/M 2310 EP/TOTAL Refining & Chemicals 物性表
mLLDPE/M 2310 EP/TOTAL Refining & Chemicals
该料用途 | Blown Film; 包装; 薄膜; 层压板; 袋子; 混合; 食品包装; 收缩性薄膜 |
备注说明 | Lumicene® mPE M 2310 EP is a second generation metallocene based Linear Low Density Polyethylene with hexene as comonomer.Lumicene® mPE M 2310 EP can be processed at high output rates with low extrusion pressure, excellent bubble stability and gauge control and in comparison with conventional LLDPE and first generation metallocene based polyethylene.Lumicene® mPE M 2310 EP is especially dedicated to film applications where superior optical properties in combination with excellent impact resistance (even at low temperature) and sealing strength are required, particularly in blend and coextrusion with LLDPE or LDPE.Lumicene® mPE M 2310 EP is suited for many applications in the field of consumer, industrial, food or hygiene packaging such as bags, deep freeze, collation shrink and lamination. |
性能项目 | 测试条件 | 测试方法 | 数值/描述 | 单位 | |
薄膜 | 薄膜厚度 - 经测试 | 勒렦 | µm | 拉伸应力 | ISO 527-3 | MD : 屈服, 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 랃.렦 | MPa | TD : 屈服, 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 랃.렦 | MPa | MD : 断裂, 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 윶.렦 | MPa | TD : 断裂, 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 윶쥲.렦 | MPa | 伸长率 | ISO 527-3 | MD : 断裂, 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 횕윶렦 | % | TD : 断裂, 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 륢勒렦 | % | 落锤冲击 | ISO 7765-1 | 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | ꠉ렦 | g | 埃尔曼多夫抗撕强度 | ISO 6383-2 | MD : 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 쥲렦 | N | TD : 40 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 륢렦 | N |
物理性能 | 密度 | ISO 1183 | 렦.랃ꠉ | g/cm³ | 熔流率(熔体流动速率) | ISO 1133 | 190°C/2.16 kg | 렦.렦 | g/10 min |
挤出 | 熔体温度 | 쥲렦 到 랃ꠉ렦 | °C | ||
光学性能 | 光泽度 | ASTM D2457 | 45°, 40.0 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 륢ꠉ | 雾度 | ISO 14782 | 40.0 µm, 吹塑薄膜 | 윶.윶 | % |
热性能 | 维卡软化温度 | ISO 306 | 勒 | °C | 熔融温度 | ISO 11357-3 | 횕 | °C |