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公司官网: http://yf87195458.51pla.com
所在地区:广东省 东莞市
进入店铺Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-6290
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
塑胶原料 工程塑胶 聚酰胺 PA66耐磨损 PA66超韧耐寒级 PA66食品级 PA66加玻纤 PA66增韧级 PA66阻燃防火 POM聚甲醛 高粘度POM 坚韧级POM 耐磨损POM 高韧性POM 抗紫外线POM 加玻纤POM 低翘曲POM
本公司所销售之塑胶原料均可提供原厂的物性表,UL MSDS SGS COC 欢迎来电咨询!
Texin? DP7-1049
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? DP7-1198
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? DP7-1199
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚脂
Texin? HM-1206
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? RxHM125
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU,未指定
Texin? RxS285
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? RxSTX120
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU,未指定
Texin? RxT50D
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? RxT65D
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? RxT70A
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? RxT85A
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? RxT90A
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Texin? STX
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU,未指定
Texin? STX-LG-40
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU,未指定
Texin? STX-LG-60
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU,未指定
Texin? SUN-3006
Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚醚
Thanelene? TPU S80A15 PRTA010 TP305 MSP
Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA TPU-聚脂
Thanelene? TPU S90A15 PRTA010 TP304 MSP
Petropol Industry and Trade of Polymers LTDA TPU-聚脂
ThermoStran? TPU-30G
Montsinger Technologies, Inc. TPU,未指定
ThermoStran? TPU-40G
Montsinger Technologies, Inc. TPU,未指定
ThermoStran? TPU-50G
Montsinger Technologies, Inc. TPU,未指定
Wanthane? WHT-1164
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1172
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1180
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1185
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1190
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1195
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1198
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1485RV
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1495EC
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1495RV
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Wanthane? WHT-1565
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-1570
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-2180
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-Capro
Wanthane? WHT-2185
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-Capro
Wanthane? WHT-2190
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-Capro
Wanthane? WHT-2195
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-Capro
Wanthane? WHT-2198
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-Capro
Wanthane? WHT-6190
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-6290
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚脂
Wanthane? WHT-8164
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚醚
Wanthane? WHT-8170
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚醚
Wanthane? WHT-8180
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚醚
Wanthane? WHT-8185
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚醚
Wanthane? WHT-8190
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚醚
Wanthane? WHT-8195
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚醚
Wanthane? WHT-8198
Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. TPU-聚醚
Zythane? 3045D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-Capro
Zythane? 3045DH
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-Capro
Zythane? 3045DX
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-Capro
Zythane? 4045D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4050D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4055D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4060A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4060D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4065A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4065D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4070A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4070D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4075A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4080A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4085A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 4090A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 5045D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 5050D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 5060A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 5065A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 5070A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 5080A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 5085A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 5090A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6045D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6050D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6055D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6065D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6070A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6070AU
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6070D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6075A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6075D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6080A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6085A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6085AU
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 6090A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7045D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7050D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7055D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7065D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7070A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7070AF
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7075A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7075AF
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7080A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7085A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7085AF
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7085AU
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7090A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 7090AF
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 8060A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 8080DU
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚醚
Zythane? 8085D
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU,未指定
Zythane? 8090AM
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
Zythane? 9026V
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU,未指定
Zythane? 9085A
Alliance Polymers & Services TPU-聚脂
TPU胶带是应用于服装领域的新一代聚氨脂弹性热封胶带。此种胶带在任何环境下都 能保持良好的弹力、粘性、防水性、柔韧性,其100%聚氨脂成份决定了它的环保特性,附合出口标准。特别适用于服装市场。
详细说明: 成份: 聚氨脂 颜色:磨砂半透明 底层;聚氨脂 厚度:0.08-0.25mm 硬度:98A 软化点: 100℃ 熔点:180℃ 适宜温度:-20℃-120℃
加工条件:温度:550℃-580℃ (热风机) 压力:1.5-2kg 速度 :10-15m/min 成形条件:根据面料的不同,其成形条件有稍微改变。
典型应用范围 传动带、软管、电缆接头、软管接头、密封件、运动鞋底、脚轮、矿山筛网、薄膜和 挤出型材。
6.经后硫化处理可提高扯断拉伸强度成型:可注塑,挤出,压延复合,可粘接,焊接; 用途:汽车外部制件,齿轮,自位轮,轮胎防滑,动物标志,鞋底和后跟,滑雪靴,电线,电缆护套,驾驶带,缓冲器,工业胶管,垫圈,密封件,薄板和薄膜,变速杆球柄,滚轴,连轴器,鞋跟,软触应用,脚轮,索环传动带,软管,电缆接头,软管接头,矿山筛网,织物涂覆,表带,消防水龙头等等
广东东莞市中国 东莞 樟木头镇塑胶市场中心城M栋113号
美国吉力士 TPE S KG 40A-3S2016 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
美国吉力士 TPE S KE 70A-3S1726 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
美国吉力士 TPE S KE 70A-3E1726 SO10 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
美国吉力士 TPE S KE 60A-3S1725 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
美国吉力士 TPE S KE 50A-3S1731 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
美国吉力士 TPE S KE 40A-3S1727 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
美国吉力士 TPE S KA 80A-3S1770 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
美国吉力士 TPE S KA 60A-3S1769 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元
WHT-6290 TPU-聚脂相关产品
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- apilon 52 D 25 L TPU
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- apilon 52 D1 40 L TPU
- 聚氨酯-醚TPU-T(粉)耐热性好 坚韧 质软 可以增韧 增加塑料粘合材料 PU粉
- TPU 美国陶氏 2363-80A 管材 护套 应用
- 德国巴斯夫 1190A10耐水解热塑
- 高透明 注塑级 用于肩带 TPU 德国巴斯夫 85A
- 德国巴斯夫TPU890AN 高抗撕裂性 高透明 薄膜级 聚酯 90A
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- 德国巴斯夫TPUB90A11 挤出级 耐低温 耐老化 电线电缆 电动工具
- 德国巴斯夫TPUC78A15 高韧性 耐高温 耐水解 聚酯基 硬度80A
- 德国巴斯夫TPU1175AW 阻燃tpu 防火V0 抗微生物 耐磨级
- 德国巴斯夫TPUC60AW 透明级 注塑级 耐低温 汽车部件 运动器材
- 德国巴斯夫TPU1190A16 耐冲击 耐化学 耐油脂 汽车零件应用
- 德国巴斯夫TPUEB95A 注塑级 耐老化 高透明 抗紫外线 BASF 95度
免责声明:以上展示的WHT-6290 TPU-聚脂信息由东莞市众垒塑胶有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:WHT-6290 TPU-聚脂