  • 入驻年限:10
  • 所 在 地:北京市 市辖区
  • 主营产品: 西门子工控机 凌华工控机 研华工控机 便携式工控机 采集卡


免费会员第 10 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障


价格 4000.00/个
起订量 ≥1
所在地 北京 辖区 可售量 10000个


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 凌华 类型 采集卡
产地 台湾 质保 1年
售后服务 1年


      凌华采集卡,凌华数据采集卡,PCI,PXI数据采集卡  010-82896620,51662657-813,815邮箱guobaogk@163.com QQ 381142625 386972907 DAQ-2208 96-CH, 3MS/s 12-bit Multi-function card  DAQ-2204 64-CH, 3MS/s 12-bit Multi-function card  DAQ-2205 64-CH, 500KS/s 16-bit Multi-function card  DAQ-2206 64-CH, 250KS/s 16-bit Multi-function card  DAQ-2213 16-CH, 16-Bit, 250 kS/s Low-Cost Multi-Function DAQ Cards  DAQ-2214 16-CH, 16-Bit, 250 kS/s Low-Cost Multi-Function DAQ Cards 2-CH An  DAQe-2208 PCI Express 96-CH, 3MS/s 12-bit Multi-function card  DAQe-2204 PCI Express 64-CH, 3MS/s 12-bit Multi-function card  DAQe-2205 PCI Express 64-CH, 500KS/s 16-bit Multi-function card  DAQe-2206 PCI Express 64-CH, 250KS/s 16-bit Multi-function card  DAQe-2213 PCI Express 16-CH, 16-Bit, 250 kS/s Low-Cost Multi-Function DAQ C  DAQe-2214 PCI Express 16-CH, 16-Bit, 250 kS/s Low-Cost Multi-Function DAQ C  PCI-9221(G) Low-Cost 16-Bit Multi-Function DAQ Card with 2-CH Encoder Input  PCI-9222(G) 16-CH 16-bit 250 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ Card  PCI-9223(G) 32-CH 16-bit 500 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ Card  DAQ-2016 4-CH 16-Bit 800 kS/s Simultaneous-Sampling Multi-Function DAQ Ca  DAQ-2010 4-CH, 2MS/s Simultaneous A/D Multi-function Card  DAQ-2005 4-CH, 500KS/s Simultaneous A/D Multi-function Card  DAQ-2006 4-CH, 250KS/s Simultaneous A/D Multi-function Card  DAQ-2501 4-CH, 1MS/s analog output multi-function card  DAQ-2502 8-CH, 1MS/s analog output multi-function card  DAQe-2010 PCI Express 4-CH, 2MS/s Simultaneous-sampling A/D Multi-function  DAQe-2016 PCI Express 4-CH 16-Bit 800 kS/s Simultaneous-Sampling Multi-Func  DAQe-2005 PCI Express 4-CH, 500KS/s Simultaneous A/D Multi-function Card  DAQe-2006 PCI Express 4-CH, 250KS/s Simultaneous A/D Multi-function Card  DAQe-2501 PCI Express 4-CH, 1MS/s analog output multi-function card  DAQe-2502 PCI Express 8-CH, 1MS/s analog output multi-function card  PXI-2016 4-CH 16-Bit 800 kS/s Simultaneous-Sampling Multi-Function PXI mod  PXI-2010 4-CH, 2MS/s Simultaneous A/D Multi-function PXI Module  PXI-2005 4-CH, 500KS/s Simultaneous A/D Multi-function PXI Module  PXI-2006 4-CH, 250KS/s Simultaneous A/D Multi-function PXI Module  PXI-2205 64-CH, 500KS/s 16-bit Multi-function PXI Module  PXI-2206 64-CH, 250KS/s 16-bit Multi-function Module  PXI-2204 64-CH, 3MS/s 12-bit Multi-function Module  PXI-2208 96-CH, 3MS/s 12-bit Multi-function Module  PXI-2501 4-CH, 1MS/s analog output multi-function PXI module  PXI-2502 8-CH, 1MS/s analog output multi-function PXI module  PCI-9118DG/L 16-CH 12-Bit 333 kS/s Normal-Gain Analog Input Card  PCI-9118HG/L 16-CH 12-Bit 333 kS/s High-Gain Analog Input Card  PCI-9118HR/L 16-CH 16-Bit 100 kS/s High-Resolution Analog Input Card  PCI-9114DG 32-CH, 16 bits Normal Gain DAS Card with Isolation DIO  PCI-9114HG 32-CH, 16 bits High Gain DAS Card with Isolation DIO  PCI-9114A-DG 32-CH, 16 bits, 250KS/s A/D, Normal Gain DAS Card  PCI-9114A-HG 32-CH, 16 bits, 250KS/s A/D, High Gain DAS Card  PCI-9112(G) Advanced PCI-Bus DAS Card 

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免责声明:以上展示的凌华采集卡,凌华数据采集卡,PCI,PXI数据采集卡信息由北京宝创源科技有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。