  • 入驻年限:11
  • 所 在 地:江苏省 苏州市
  • 主营产品: 塑胶原料 塑料制品


免费会员第 11 vip
主营产品: 塑胶原料, 塑料制品,
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

Lupox PBT+PET SG5152 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.

所在地 江苏 苏州 可售量 0KG


免费会员 第11年




公司官网: http://zgsurzl.51pla.com

所在地区:江苏省 苏州市

主营产品: 塑胶原料, 塑料制品,

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Lupox PBT+PET SG5152 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.




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Lupox PBT+PET SG5150 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.
Lupox PBT+PET SG5152 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.
Lupox PBT+PET SG5200 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.
Lupox PBT+PET SG5300 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.
Lupox PBT+PET SG5500 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.










Q  Q:2290759979


Infino PC LB-3150GW 耐冲击 高抗撞击 玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC LF-1025 注射成型 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC LF-1030 注射成型 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC LH-1070W 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS LS-1150G 玻纤增强 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC LS-3104G 耐冲击 高抗撞击 玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC LS-3302 玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC LS-3302A 玻纤增强 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NE-1010 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NE-1030 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NE-1050 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NF-3017 耐划伤 抗刮花 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NF-3017H 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1001T 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1015 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1015V 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1017D 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1021 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC NH-1023P 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1027HF 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC NH-1035 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1037 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1101 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS NH-1150HH 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC NH-3204G 玻纤增强 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC NH-3208GL 玻纤增强 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC NH-3402F 40%玻纤增强 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS QP-1010 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC SC-1100R 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC SC-1220R 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC SC-1220UR 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC SI-3109GL 玻纤增强 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC TH-1100 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC TN-1100 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC TN-1200 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC TP-1002 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC TP-1020 阻燃V-2 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC UF-1017 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC UF-1017B 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC UF-1017S 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC UF-103 阻燃V-0 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS WP-1041 高流动 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS WP-1041G 高流动 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS WP-1069 注射成型 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS WP-1089 注射成型 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

Infino PC/ABS WP-1098 注射成型 Samsung, a division of Cheil Industries

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免责声明:以上展示的Lupox PBT+PET SG5152 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.信息由苏州海财塑化有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:Lupox PBT+PET SG5152 塑料厂家 LG Chem Ltd.