  • 入驻年限:16
  • 所 在 地:广东省 东莞市
  • 主营产品: 工程塑料PA66 POM PC TPV


免费会员第 16
主营产品: 工程塑料PA66, POM, PC, TPV,
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

代理:B3WGM24 HPX BK 23210 PA6+GF30%耐高温

所在地 广东 东莞 可售量 0KG


免费会员 第16年




公司官网: http://szdzd2005.51pla.com

所在地区:广东省 东莞市

主营产品: 工程塑料PA66, POM, PC, TPV,

商品详情 联系方式


代理:Ultramid® B3WGM24 HPX BK 23210 is a 30% glass/mineral filled, heat stabilized, high flow, injection molding grade for applications requiring medium to high rigidity, high dimensional stability and superior surface appearance是一个30%玻璃/矿物填充,热稳定,高流动性,注塑级适用于要求中高刚性,高维稳定性和卓越的表面外观。

友铭塑胶代理销售进口塑料,价格优惠,质量保证, --友铭塑胶优价批发,索取物性资料、报价表、UL报告、ROSH标准、SGS检测报告,COA出厂资料,MSDS材质证明 开增值税等可与我司业务邓小姐联系,15016876678,15322946330,QQ:470919720

PA6 特性与应用    

PA6 用途:


PA6 注塑模工艺:

干燥处理:由于 PA6 很容易吸收水分,因此加工前的干燥特别要注意。如果材料是用防水材料包装供应的,则 容器应保持密闭。如果湿度大于 0.2%,建议在 80C 以上的热空气中干燥 16 小时。如果材料已经在空气中暴露 超过 8 小时,建议进行 105C,8 小时以上的真空烘干。
熔化温度:230~280C,对于增强品种为 250~280C。



代理Adell 以下塑料:

Ultramid® B3GM35 BKQ642 23220 is a 40% combined glass-fiber and mineral reinforced, pigmented balck injection molding PA6 grade
Ultramid® SEGM35 H1 BK-126 is a 40% glass/mineral reinforced injection molding grade. It offers enhanced surface appearance, it also exhibits similar UV weathering characteristics compared to 8267G HS BK-106. In parts containing cross sections, significant pressure drops are encountered during filling.
Ultramid® 8267G HS BK-106 - is a heat stabilized, weather resistant, 40% mineral and glass fiber reinforced PA6 injection molding compound with improved UV resistance and sink mark resistance. The combination of mineral and glass fibers result in a high performance, low warp and cost effective engineering thermoplastic. It exhibits high strength, good UV resistance, rigidity and good heat distorti
Ultraform® N 2320 C BK120 Q600 is a pigmented black, Electro Statically Dissipative (ESD) POM for injection
Ultramid® B3WG6 BK00564 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced, pigmented black, heat stabilized inject
Ultradur® S 4090 G6 LS BK15077<POMrong>
Ultraform® H 2320 006 Q600 - is a POM with high molecular weight grade for injection molding. It conforms to FDA requirements of 21 CFR 177.2470.
Ultraform® N 2320 003 UNC Q600 - is a rapidly freezing general-purpose injection-molding POM grade. It contains a mold release agent
Ultramid® B3GM35 BKQ642 23220 is a 40% combined glass-fiber and mineral reinforced, pigmented balck injection molding PA6 grade.
Ultramid® B3WG7 BK00564 is a 35% glass fiber reinforced, pigmented black, injection molding PA6 grade for highly rigid, dimensionally stable components which are resistant to high temperature aging and have improved retention of properties in a hot water environment.
Ultradur® B 4040 G10 BK5110 is a pigmented black, injection molding PBT with 50% glass fiber reinforced for technical parts with excellent surface finish.
Ultramid® A3Z HP UV BK - Ultramid A3Z HP UV BK23220 is an impact modified PA66 containing heat and ultraviolet light stabilizers. Designed for maximum toughness at low temperatures and offers a unique combination of impact performance and excellent processability.
Ultramid® B3GM35 BKQ642 23220 is a 40% combined glass-fiber and mineral reinforced, pigmented balck injection molding PA6 grade.
Ultramid® A3W2G6 is a PA66/6 blend, 30% glass fiber reinforcement suitable, highly heat stabilized for hot air applications at 200 C continuous use temperature.

Ultramid® A3W2G10 BK20560 is a PA66, 50% glass fiber reinforcement and highly heat stabilized suitable for hot air applications at 190 C continuous use temperature
Ultramid® 8272G HS BK-102 is a 12% glass fiber reinforced, black pigmented, thermally modified, PA6 blow molding compound offering an excellent balance of engineering properties combined with the melt strength ideally suited for blow molding and other applications requiring ultra high melt viscosity. It exhibits improved strength, stiffness and creep resistance compare to standard blow molding grades
Ultramid® 8272G HS BK-102 is a 12% glass reinforced, thermally modified, pigmented black, PA6 blow molding compound. It offers an excellent balance of engineering properties combined with the melt strength ideally suited for blow molding and other applications requiring ultra high melt viscosity.
Ultramid® B3WG6 BK 00564 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced, pigmented black, heat stabilized injection molding PA6 grad.
Ultramid® A3W2G7 HP BK 20560 - is a 35% glass reinforced, heat stabilized, injection molding PA66 grade with excellent flow and surface finish
Ultramid® A3W2G7 BK 00564 - is a 35% glass fiber reinforced, pigmented black and heat resistance injection molding PA66 grade for machinery for industrial items.
Ultramid® B3ZG7 OSI BK 23273 - "Optimized for Stone Impact" - is a 35% glass fiber reinforced, black, injection molding grade of PA6 specially developed to withstand hot engine oil contact and high speed
A3WG7 HP BK20560 - is a 35% glass fiber reinforced black grade of PA66 developed to provide enhanced appearance and improved flow.
Ultramid® B3WGM24 HPX BK 23210 is a 30% glass/mineral filled, heat stabilized, high flow, injection molding grade for applications requiring medium to high rigidity, high dimensional stability and superior surface appearance.
Ultramid® A3WG7 HP BK20560 is a 35% glass fiber reinforced black grade of PA66 developed to provide enhanced appearance and improved flow.
Ultramid® A3WGM53 BK20560 Ultramid A3WGM53 BK20560 is a 40% glass/mineral reinforced, pigmented black, injection molding grade for high stiffness parts with good dimensional stability and surface finish.
Ultramid® A3WG7 BK00564 is a 35% glass fiber reinforced black injection molding PA66 grade with excellent heat aging resistance.
Ultramid® 1703-2 BK ND 3007 is a 25% glass reinforced, heat stabilized, pigmented black injection molding PA6/6 for hydrolysis resistant applications
Ultramid® A3WG7 HRX BK23591
PA66, 35% glass reinforced, heat stabilized, injection molding resin with additional glycol hydrolysis and heat aging resistance. Targeted for engine oil coolers, automotive water pumps, coolant inlets and outlet components where higher tensile properties are desirable.
Ultramid® A3WG6 HRX BK23591
PA66, 30% glass reinforced, heat stabilized, injection molding resin with additional glycol hydrolysis and heat aging resistance. Typical usage is for radiator end tanks with higher glycol and temperature requirements.
Ultramid® A3HG6 HR BK 23591
PA66, 30% glass reinforced, heat stabilized, injection molding resin with glycol hydrolysis resistance suitable for automotive engine cooling applications such as radiator end tanks.
Ultramid® B3WG6 BK00564 BGVW is a 30% glass fiber reinforced, black pigmented, heat stabilized injection molding PA6 grade. It features good surface appearance, good flowability, good long-term heat aging performance up to 150°C, medium weld strength, and long-term global availability with globally consistent high quality.
Ultramid® B3WG6 CR BK23210 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized injection molding PA 6 grade for crash relevant applications.















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免责声明:以上展示的代理:B3WGM24 HPX BK 23210 PA6+GF30%耐高温信息由友铭(国际)塑胶化工有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:代理:B3WGM24 HPX BK 23210 PA6+GF30%耐高温