  • 入驻年限:14
  • 所 在 地:广东省 东莞市
  • 主营产品: 塑胶原料工程塑胶 聚酰胺


免费会员第 14 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

日本三菱化学 TPE TO 222

所在地 广东 东莞 可售量 0kg


免费会员 第14年




公司官网: http://yf87195458.51pla.com

所在地区:广东省 东莞市

主营产品: 塑胶原料工程塑胶, 聚酰胺,

商品详情 联系方式


tefabloc TPE TO 222 Mitsubishi Chemical Performance Polymers, Inc.

StarXTRUDE TPE XTR-55-1000 STAR Thermoplastic Alloys & Rubbers, Inc.

StarXTRUDE TPE XTR-60-1000 STAR Thermoplastic Alloys & Rubbers, Inc.

StarXTRUDE TPE XTR-70-1000 STAR Thermoplastic Alloys & Rubbers, Inc.

StarXTRUDE TPE XTR-80-1000 STAR Thermoplastic Alloys & Rubbers, Inc.

StarXTRUDE TPE XTR-85-1000 STAR Thermoplastic Alloys & Rubbers, Inc.

StarXTRUDE TPE XTR-90-1000 STAR Thermoplastic Alloys & Rubbers, Inc.

StarXTRUDE TPE XTR-95-1000 STAR Thermoplastic Alloys & Rubbers, Inc.

本公司所销售之塑胶原料均可提供原厂的物性表,UL MSDS SGS COC 欢迎来电咨询!



传真  0769-82058794

Q  Q  1465961803

邮箱 zl13532366002@163.com

ChronoFlex TPU/PC AL 55D AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoFlex TPU/PC AL 75A-B20 AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoFlex TPU/PC AL 75D AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoFlex TPU/PC AR AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoFlex TPU/PC AR-LT AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoFlex TPU/PC C 75D AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoFlex TPU/PC C 80A AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoThane TPU/聚醚 P 55D AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoThane TPU/聚醚 P 80A AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoThane TPU/聚醚 T 80A AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoThane TPU/聚醚 T 93A AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoThane TPU/聚醚 T 93A-B20 AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ChronoThane TPU/聚醚 T 93A-B40 AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp.

ColorRx TPU-50D0RX LTL Color Compounders, Inc.

ColorRx TPU-65D0RX LTL Color Compounders, Inc.

ColorRx TPU-70D0RX LTL Color Compounders, Inc.

ColorRx TPU-85A0RX LTL Color Compounders, Inc.

ColorRx TPU-90A0RX LTL Color Compounders, Inc.

Complet TPU LCF30-TPU PlastiComp, Inc.

Complet TPU LCF40-TPU 1014 NAT PlastiComp, Inc.

Complet TPU LCF50-TPU PlastiComp, Inc.

Complet TPU LGF20-TPU PlastiComp, Inc.

Complet TPU LGF30-TPU PlastiComp, Inc.

Complet TPU LGF40-TPU PlastiComp, Inc.

Complet TPU LGF50-TPU PlastiComp, Inc.

Complet TPU LGF60-TPU PlastiComp, Inc.

Daplen TPU EE015AE Borealis AG

Daplen TPU EE255AE Borealis AG

Desmopan? 192 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 3385A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 3485A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 385 E Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 385 S Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 385E Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 385S Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 392 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 392 Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU,未指定

Desmopan? 445 Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 445 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 453 DPS 041 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 453 Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 460 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 481 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 487 DPS 062 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 487 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? 5377A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-酯/醚

Desmopan? 5377A Bayer MaterialScience LLC - PUR TPU-酯/醚

Desmopan? 588 E Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-酯/醚

Desmopan? 786 E Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU,未指定

Desmopan? 786 S Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU,未指定

Desmopan? 790 Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU,未指定

Desmopan? 795 U Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU,未指定

Desmopan? 9385 A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚醚

Desmopan? DP 1045D Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU,未指定

Desmopan? DP 1050D Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU,未指定

Desmopan? DP 1080A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 1080AU Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 1085A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 1092A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU,未指定

Desmopan? DP 1350D Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 1485A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 1490A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 2384A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 2586A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 2587 A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

Desmopan? DP 2590A Bayer MaterialScience AG - PUR TPU-聚脂

  • 美国吉力士 TPE S KG 40A-3S2016 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元

  • 美国吉力士 TPE S KE 70A-3S1726 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元

  • 美国吉力士 TPE S KE 70A-3E1726 SO10 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元

  • 美国吉力士 TPE S KE 60A-3S1725 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元

  • 美国吉力士 TPE S KE 50A-3S1731 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元

  • 美国吉力士 TPE S KE 40A-3S1727 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元

  • 美国吉力士 TPE S KA 80A-3S1770 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元

  • 美国吉力士 TPE S KA 60A-3S1769 TPE 塑胶原料¥18元

免责声明:以上展示的日本三菱化学 TPE TO 222信息由东莞市众垒塑胶有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:日本三菱化学 TPE TO 222