联 系 人:邓叶飞 QQ交谈 (联系时,请说明是在全球塑胶网上看到的)
公司官网: http://yf87195458.51pla.com
所在地区:广东省 东莞市
进入店铺TEDUR PPS L 9114-1 S 塑胶原料 ALBIS PLASTIC GmbH
Sultron PPS R40SL 塑胶原料 Asia International Enterprise
(Hong Kong) Limited
Sultron PPS R40-WH 塑胶原料 Asia International Enterprise
(Hong Kong) Limited
Sultron PPS R50 塑胶原料 Asia International Enterprise
(Hong Kong) Limited
Sultron PPS R60 塑胶原料 Asia International Enterprise
(Hong Kong) Limited
Sultron PPS R70 塑胶原料 Asia International Enterprise
(Hong Kong) Limited
本公司所销售之塑胶原料均可提供原厂的物性表,UL MSDS SGS COC 欢迎来电咨询!
传真 0769-82058794
Q Q 1465961803
邮箱 zl13532366002@163.com
Makroblend? PC+PET AR205 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET DP7645 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET EL700 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET EL703 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT KU2-7609 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT KU2-7912/4 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT KU2-7912 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT KU2-7915 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT S7916 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET UT1018 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET UT235 M Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET UT250 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET UT305 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT UT3905 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT UT3907 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET UT403 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET UT4045 G Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PET UT408 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT UT5205 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT UT5207 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT UT6005 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
Makroblend? PC+PBT UT6007 Bayer MaterialScience - Polycarbonates
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Matrixx PBT合金 34N2006 The Matrixx Group, Inc.
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Matrixx PBT合金 36N5006 The Matrixx Group, Inc.



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免责声明:以上展示的德国爱彼斯 PPS L 9114-1 S信息由东莞市众垒塑胶有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:德国爱彼斯 PPS L 9114-1 S