TPU(Thermoplastic polyurethanes)名称为热塑性聚氨酯弹性体橡胶。主要分为有聚酯型和聚醚型之分,它硬度范围宽(60HA-85HD)、耐磨、耐油,透明,弹性好,在日用品、体育用品、玩具、装饰材料等领域得到广泛应用,无卤阻燃TPU还可以代替软质PVC以满足越来越多领域的环保要求。热塑性聚氨酯弹性体(Thermoplastic polyurethane) :所谓弹性体是指玻璃化温度低于室温度,断裂伸长率>50%,外力撤除后复原性比较好的高分子材料。聚氨酯弹性体是弹性体中比较特殊的一大类,聚氨酯弹性体的硬度范围很宽,性能范围很宽,所以聚氨酯弹性体是介于橡胶和塑料的一类高分子材料。 TPU的主要特性有: 硬度范围广:通过改变TPU各反应组分的配比,可以得到不同硬度的产品,而且随着硬度的增加,其产品仍保持良好的弹性和耐磨性。 机械强度高:TPU制品的承载能力、抗冲击性及减震性能突出。 耐寒性突出:TPU的玻璃态转变温度比较低,在零下35度仍保持良好的弹性、柔顺性和其他物理性能。 加工性能好:TPU可采用常见的热塑性材料的加工方法进行加工,如注塑、挤出、压延等等。同时,TPU与某些高分子材料共同加工能够得到性能互补的聚合物合金。 耐油、耐水、耐霉菌。再生利用性好。 TPU作为弹性体是介于橡胶和塑料之间的一种材料,这从它的刚性看出来,TPU的刚性可由弹性模量来度量。橡胶的弹性模量通常在1~10Mpa,TPU在10~1000Mpa,塑料(尼龙,ABS,PC,POM)在1000~10000Mpa。TPU 的硬度范围相当宽,从Shore A 60~Shore D 80并且在整个硬度范围内具有高弹性;TPU在很宽的温度范围内-40~120℃,具有柔性,而不需要增塑剂; TPU对油类(矿物油,动植物油脂和润滑油)和许多溶剂有良好的抵抗能力;TPU 还有良好的耐天候性,极优的耐高能射线性能。众所周知的耐磨性,抗撕裂性,屈扰强度都是优良的;拉伸强度高,伸长率大,长期压缩永久变形率低等都是TPU的显著优点。 这里介绍的TPU性能包括三个方面:力学性能,物理性能和环境性能。 可加热塑化,化学结构上没有或很少交联,其分子基本是线性的,然而却存在一定的物理交联。这类聚氨酯称为TPU 。 巴斯夫Elastollan系列介绍 Elastollan 1085A Thermoplastic Polyether-Polyurethane-Elastomer with excellent mechanical properties Elastollan 1154D53 is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance, toughness, transparency, low temperature properties, hydrolytic stability, and fungus resistance. Elastollan 1164D50 is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance, toughness, transparency, low temperature properties, hydrolytic stability, and fungus resistance. Elastollan 1174D50 is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance, toughness, transparency, low temperature properties, hydrolytic stability, and fungus resistance Elastollan 1175A10W is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) containing a plasticizer. Elastollan 1180A10 is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It is specifically formulated for extruded profile, sheet and film applications. Elastollan 1185A10FHF is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) containing a non-halogenated fire retardant. It is specifically formulated for wire and cable jacketing, extruded profile, sheet and film applications. Elastollan 1185A10XU is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) with UV stabilizer and a MFI value of 41-60 (at 190°C/21.6 kg). Elastollan 1185A50V is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance, toughness, transparency, low temperature properties, hydrolytic stability, and fungus resistance. Elastollan 1190A10 is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It is specifically formulated for extruded profile, sheet and film applications. Elastollan 1195A10 is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance, toughness, transparency, low temperature properties, hydrolytic stability and fungus resistance. Elastollan 1195A55 is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance, toughness, transparency, low temperature properties, hydrolytic stability, and fungus resistance. Elastollan 688A10N is part of a new series of film grade polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU). Elastollan 695A15N is part of a new series of film grade polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU). Elastollan C60A10W is a polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) containing a plasticizer. Elastollan C59D53 is a polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance and toughness, good hydrolytic stability, good heat, oil, fuel, and solvent resistance. As with all TPU products, Elastollan S90A55N is a polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance and toughness, good heat, oil, fuel, and solvent resistance. Elastollan S95A55N is a polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance and toughness, good heat, oil, fuel, and solvent resistance. Elastollan S98A53N is a polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It exhibits excellent abrasion resistance and toughness, good heat, oil, fuel, and solvent resistance. Elastollan SP806-10 is a polyether-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It is specifically formulated for extruded profile, film and sheet applications, and has exceptional adhesion characteristics. 我公司长期经营巴斯夫Elastollan系列TPU, 可提供SGS、ROHS、REACH、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COA、PDF物性表等各项数据,多年诚信为本,货源稳定、现货库存、质量保证,原厂原包,假一赔十。欢迎来电洽谈! 以上是供应德国巴斯夫Elastollan系列TPU的详细信息,由东莞市德胜工程塑料有限公司提供,如果您对供应 德国巴斯夫Elastollan系列TPU的信息有什么疑问,请与该公司进行进一步联系,获取供应德国巴斯夫Elastollan系列TPU的更多信息。 联系我们 德胜工程塑料有限公司 咨询电话: 13537069891 固定电话; 0769-82932965 公司传真; 0769-82932965 公司网址;http://deshengsj.51pla.com/ 公司网站;http://wwfftinh.cn.makepolo.com/ 公司网站;wwfftinh.cn.makepolo.com 工作扣扣:752778831 工作邮箱;752778831@qq.com 联系人:任经理 地址:广东省东莞市樟木头镇,塑胶市场中心城f88号。 公司承诺; 1、可提供原料出厂证明和物性表,UL黄卡,ROHS报告,SGS等资料、品质保证; 2、最优质的售后服务与技术支持; 3、提供塑胶原料国内一般贸易17%税。 4、凡在我司购买材料均可以提供能力范围内技术支持,提供相关环保等资料。 5、本公司原料25公斤起订,批量可折扣,款到发货或货到付款,珠三角一天内到达,国内各地3-4天到货.(物流运送所有货物都有套外保护袋,验货时可拆开)。 6、欢迎来电查询物料性质,免费提供物性表,提供加工相关数据与物料应用范围。 7、本公司所售原料均为原厂原包装正牌料,杜绝一切副牌料,不开封,无破损! 签订购销合同和质量保证,长期合作! 8、尊敬的新老顾客朋友们!价格有时未能及时更新,可能与实际价格有出入,以口头报价为准,谢谢!欢迎来电洽谈!
广东东莞市省樟木头白果冻英才街 7号
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免责声明:以上展示的TPU/德国巴斯夫/688A50N 阻燃级 耐磨信息由东莞市禹泓塑料有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:TPU/德国巴斯夫/688A50N 阻燃级 耐磨