  • 入驻年限:7
  • 所 在 地:浙江省 杭州市
  • 主营产品: 新型材料的技术开发 pvc外墙挂板 竹木纤维集成板 外墙挂板防水 室内装饰板


免费会员第 7 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障


价格 50.00/平方米 43.00/平方米 35.00/平方米
起订量 ≥1 ≥500 ≥4000
所在地 浙江 杭州 可售量 810000平方米


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 筠尚 型号 ys-0015
导热系数 0.22W/m·K 隔声指数 8.5dB
规格 3600*250mm 等级 一级
款式 木纹 用途 外墙改造
颜色 象牙白 产地 浙江
材质 树脂粉 环保等级 E0


东莞黄江镇环保公共厕所外墙装修改造翻新材料筠尚<a style=pvc外墙挂板.jpg">东莞黄江镇环保公共厕所外墙装修改造翻新材料筠尚pvc外墙挂板塑料护墙板.jpgpvc外墙挂板011/15551574953753004.jpg" title="东莞黄江镇环保公共厕所外墙装修改造翻新材料筠尚pvc外墙挂板塑料扣板.jpg" alt="东莞黄江镇环保公共厕所外墙装修改造翻新材料筠尚pvc外墙挂板塑料扣板.jpg">东莞黄江镇环保公共厕所外墙装修改造翻新专用材料筠尚pvc外墙挂板.jpg贵州黔南都匀玉林佛山广州惠州深圳pvc外墙装饰挂板材料户外墙面快装扣板防水防火隔音隔热材料乡村别墅外墙专用.jpg


Outdoor wall insulation decoration PVC is a synthetic resin in the development of the earliest one of the varieties, is one of the output is second only to polyethylene one of the five general resin plastic processing molding methods are almost all applicable to PVC PVC resin and related additives mix, can be made into a variety of products.PVC products from soft to hard, from filling to high transparent, high performance range of span is the largest, rural toilet, toilet is decorated, the narration is PVC wall hangs Taiwan, ten big brand, waterproof wall hangs Taiwan, a plastic gusset plate, application field is very wide, people can see almost all the production and living fields.Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) formula design ideas and examples of various products, molding equipment and technology, common problem analysis at the same time, the PVC formula and composition, design the most complex system of plastic formula, formula design and professional PVC plastic products and the products processing experience, from a practical point of view, in plain, concise language, the essential methods of production of all kinds of PVC products is introduced, the urban and rural countryside public toilet renovation special wall material narration is PVC PVC wall hangs Taiwan integrated waterproof thermal insulation solid, PVC resin through different formula design, can be processed into all kinds of plastic products,Almost covers all application areas, PVC products are made of PVC resin and related additives in accordance with a certain proportion, through mixing, melting plasticization, processing and post-processing, and the civil or industrial products collectively.Can say, breed is various, application is extensive

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免责声明:以上展示的城乡农村公共厕所外墙改造专用材料筠尚聚氯乙烯一体pvc墙板挂板防水保温树脂板结实可靠信息由杭州筠尚新材料有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。