  • 入驻年限:6
  • 所 在 地:河北省 廊坊市
  • 主营产品: 全国


免费会员第 6 vip vip
主营产品: 全国
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障


价格 15000.00/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 河北 廊坊 可售量 10000台


免费会员 第6年




公司官网: http://15613629965.51pla.com

所在地区:河北省 廊坊市

主营产品: 全国



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品牌 中江 型号 L450
加工定制 自动化程度 全自动
执行质量标准 国标 电源 220V
上市时间 2015年春 功率 1.3kw
质量认证 3C认证 包装类型
产地 河北 机身 材质 加热材料
质保服务 1年 机械尺寸 1750*900*1450
工作效率 15-30 重量 300kg
输送载重 30kg 输送速度 1-99
台面高度 1 包装形式 全封
炉温度 180 适用收缩膜 pof
规格 L450

Bazhou automatic heat shrinkable film packaging machine, heat shrinkable film machine, cuff type packaging machine, heat shrinkable film packaging machine, heat shrinkable film machine, cuff type packaging machine, heat shrinkable film packaging machine are widely used in various fields of the national economy and the people's livelihood. Due to the requirements of various working conditions, there are many kinds of heat shrinkable film packaging machines and a large number of them. China's shrinking machine manufacturing industry is very large, with thousands of shrinking machine manufacturers all over the country. At present, China has become one of the countries with the largest shrinking machine output and market demand in the world. However, China's heat shrinkable film packaging machine industry is mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, good and bad, less than 10 with an annual output value of more than 100 million yuan. Even compared with other domestic machinery industries, there is a big gap in terms of equipment and technical level. Few units have the ability to independently research and develop high-end products, so they are in large-scale petrochemical, nuclear power, oil and gas long-distance pipeline, etc In major projects, the supporting heat shrinkable film packaging machine mainly depends on imports. Heat shrinkable film packaging machine enterprises attach great importance to the development of new products. It should be noted that the development of China's heat shrinkable film packaging machine industry today, although there is still a gap with the international advanced level, has gone beyond the stage of simply copying and absorbing. In order to seek the technical way for further development, we should make a comprehensive analysis and Thinking on the technical development trend and product development trend of heat shrinkable film packaging machine from a deeper level while analyzing and learning from foreign advanced products, and strive to develop new products with independent intellectual property rights.

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  • 大城县中江L450型热缩膜包装机厂家直销¥18000元

  • 生物质颗粒燃烧机环保节能¥9000元

  • 厂家直销全自动边封L450热缩膜包装机¥15000元

  • 厂家直销 生物质颗粒燃烧机 环保节能¥9000元

  • 廊坊市大城县生物质燃烧机厂家¥9000元

  • 供应陕西生物质颗粒燃烧机环保节能型¥6000元

  • 沧州市80万大卡生物质颗粒燃烧机厂家 ¥7500元


免责声明:以上展示的霸州市中江全自动热缩膜包装机,热缩膜机,袖口式包装机热收膜包装机信息由大城县中江机械设备厂自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。