弘祥机械 工矿灯外壳灯罩铝铁制旋压照明厂房灯具全自动数控旋压机加工设备
价格 | ¥50.00/台 | |
起订量 | ≥1 | |
所在地 | 广东 中山 | 可售量 10000台 |

金属旋压机 X-550经济全自动数控旋压机
弘祥旋压机器 铜件水杯水茶壶厂家 铁制品铝材金属生产 自动数控旋压机床
弘祥金属旋压设备 中山金属成型旋压机器
弘祥机械 工矿灯外壳灯罩铝铁制旋压照明厂房灯具全自动数控旋压机加工设备
品牌 | 弘祥机械 | 型号 | X-550经济型自动数控旋压机 |
外形尺寸 | 2500*1500*1800 | 重量 | 1.2 |
加工定制 | 是 | 用途 | 该设备适用于五金行业灯具等大件原片,上下料方便灵活 |
电动机功率 | 3.75 | 别名 | 金属加工设备 |
类型 | 全新 | 电压 | 380(V) |
是否库存 | 是 | 动力类型 | 气动 |
作用对象材质 | 金属 | 控制形式 | 数控 |
材质 | 压铸铁 | 布局形式 | 卧式 |
售后服务 | 质保一年 | 产地 | 广东省中山市 |
是否标准件 | 否 | 订货号 | 数控旋压机 |
货号 | 自动旋压机 | 种类 | 旋压机 |
是否跨境货源 | 是 | 是否批发 | 是 |
定位精度 | 0.04mm | 主要下游平台 | wish,亚马逊,速卖通,独立站,LAZADA,ebay,敦煌网 |
主要销售地区 | 东南亚,东北亚,欧洲,中东,非洲,北美,南美,港台澳 | 有可授权的自有品牌 | 是 |
主轴变频电机功率 | 5.5Kw | 伺服电机总功率 | 3.75Kw |
具有成熟的CAD绘图编程软件功能,旋转运动轨迹可为直线、圆弧、多圆弧连接 线以及组合的曲线等,并输入到计算机中进行道次规范化编程。It has the function of mature CAD drawing programming software. Its rotating motion track can be straight line, arc, multi-arc connection line and combined curve, etc., and these lines can be input into the computer for step normalization programming.
操作人员可通过键盘和操作面板输入工艺参数和旋压道次,并可随意编辑、存储 和调用。
Programmers can enter process parameters and spin steps through the keyboard and operator panel, as well as edit, store and recall.
具有芯模外形轮廓“拷贝”保护功能,即在工艺调整和录返示教时,旋转也不会 碰撞芯模。
It has a "copy" protection function for the outline of the core mold, that is, the rotation does not collide with the mandrel during the process adjustment and recording teaching.
机床在自动程序中,可以将进给速度和主轴转速暂停。设有行程限位包换,控制 系统软硬极限保护,故障检测及报警功能。
The machine can pause the feed rate and spindle speed in an automatic program. At the same time, the machine is equipped with travel limit replacement, control system soft and hard limit protection, fault detection and alarm function.
When the machine is turned on, the machine has functions such as automatic detection of faults, automatic diagnosis and overload protection for each unit.
根据用户的要求,可实现各种特殊形状的零件旋压成形,保证工件形面、直径、 变薄率等相关尺寸符合要求。
According to the users requirements, it can realize the spinning forming of various special- shaped parts to ensure that the relevant dimensions such as the shape, diameter and thinning rate of the work piece meet the requirements.
The same machine tool can be used for trimming, flanging, crimping, shrinking, rolling, finishing shape and threading.
中山市弘祥机械设备厂是一家专业从事金属数控旋压设备的开发、生产、销 售的技术性企业,产品形成了系列化、高低化搭配及向自动化过度。 本厂旋压设备适合铁、铝、铜等金属旋压件及管件的加工,广泛应用于灯饰、 工艺品、家具、汽车等行业。所用刀具广泛、灵活,具有较高的生产效率,可以 完成一次模(如桶型、锥型、抛物线型、喇叭型、弹头型等)系列产品及多次模 (诸如花瓶、葫芦型、圆球型等)的批量生产。
Hongxiang Machinery factory specializes in development, production and sales of CNC Metal spinning equipment, form a series, the level of product mix and the transition to the automation. Our spinning equipment suitable for iron, aluminum, copper and other metal spinning parts and tube processing, widely used in lighting, handicrafts, furniture, automotive and other industries. The tool broad and flexible, and has the advantages of high production efficiency, can be completed a model (such as a barrel type, cone type, parabolic, horn, bullet type, etc.) series of products and multiple mode (such as a vase, gourd type, ball type) of batch production.
◇Manufacturer Supply
The machines sold in our factory are all new machines.
由于我厂生产的机器型号比较多。库存也是每天都在变动。请下单前联系我们确 认机器库存或者生产时间。
◇About machine Stocking Period
Since the number of machines produced by our factory is relatively large, the inventory is changing every day. Please contact us before ordering to confirm the machine inventory or production time.
每周一到周五(法定节假日除外),早上8点~12点,下午2点~6点(北京时间)。 有需要来厂参观的客户请提前跟我们确认以免因为没上班白跑一趟。
◇About Inquiry Online and Visits to our Factory
Every Monday to Friday (except legal holidays), 8 am to 12 am, 2 pm to 6 pm (Chinese Time). If you need to visit our factory, please confirm with us in advance so as not to go to work.
凡是从本厂直接购买的机器享有一年的整机保修期,两年的系统保修期,保修期 内因为机器质量引起的机器故障,只需要提供故障图片或者视频给我们技术员, 判断是什么配件坏了,坏的配件可以发回来免费更换。超过保修期的,或者由于 物流、人为等其他因素,导致非质量问题的故障,我们将收取少量的维修费和配 件成本费。
◇About After-sales
All machines purchased directly from the factory enjoy a one-year machine warranty period and two-year system warranty period. During the warranty period, the machine failure caused by the machine quality, only need to provide fault pictures or videos to our technicians to determine what accessories are broken, bad accessories can Send it back for free replacement. If the warranty period expires, or due to other factors such as logistics, human factors, etc., we will charge a small amount of maintenance and accessories cost.
由于不同型号的机器的重量、尺寸差异都比较大。我们的报价全部为不含税不含 包装的出厂价。机器备好后,客户可以自选快递或者物流,至少提前24小时通知 给我们安排发货。
◇About Delivery
Due to the difference in weight and size of different models of machines, the difference is relatively large. Our quotes are all ex-factory prices excluding tax and packing. After the machine is ready, the customer can choose express or logistics, and notify us at least 24 hours in advance to arrange delivery.



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免责声明:以上展示的弘祥机械 工矿灯外壳灯罩铝铁制旋压照明厂房灯具全自动数控旋压机加工设备信息由中山市弘祥机械设备厂自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:弘祥机械 工矿灯外壳灯罩铝铁制旋压照明厂房灯具全自动数控旋压机加工设备