  • 入驻年限:6
  • 所 在 地:江苏省 苏州市
  • 主营产品: 防备防护卷帘门 快速卷帘门 拉链快速门 工业提升门 堆积门 装卸平台 门封


免费会员第 6 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障


价格 16600.00/樘
起订量 ≥1
所在地 江苏 苏州 可售量 10000樘


免费会员 第6年




公司官网: www.tuzzdoor.com

所在地区:江苏省 苏州市

主营产品: 防备防护卷帘门, 快速卷帘门, 拉链快速门, 工业提升门, 堆积门, 装卸平台, 门封,

商品详情 联系方式


品牌 图兹 类别 整套门
开关类型 感应 特殊用途 自动
材质 复合材质 摆锤冲击量 651323
拉伸屈服强度 65132 弯曲弹性模量 654132
加工定制 定制 是否外贸
外贸类型 出口 安全等级 B级
硬度 6563213 质量等级 优质
抗风压性能 280 制作工艺 模压
风格 欧式 抗压强度 100PA
水密性 1级 颜色 多选
使用范围 工业 产地 苏州






快速门导轨: 采用宝钢产冷轧钢板,表面经高温粉末喷涂处理,颜色可选,导轨内置公司专用毛刷,可起到防尘,防虫,密封等作用。

快速门布帘 :(黄色、蓝色、红色、白色多种颜色可选)采用法国进口的工业基布,高密度低纱聚酯丝PVDF涂层的涤纶网带与流线型的玻璃纤维加固涤纶组成,纱线密度:14/14;纱线粗细:2200dtex);适用温度:-40+85℃,色牢度≥9级。织法:P3/3;抗拉强度:9800/8300N/5cm,撕裂强度:1700/1500N);粘着力:200N/5cm)。





安全性能: A红外安:每樘门装有一套光电保护系统,防止卷门落下碰到行人或车辆。每幅门的门柱处加有安全立柱,防止无意撞击。 B、无线气囊:门在下落过程中碰到人或物体时可自动返回,同时可避免行人或车辆经过门洞时挂到气囊线而带来的不便,安全、美观。


Manufacturer: Tuz Gate

Features of Tuz Fast Curtain Door:

Power system: special high-frequency motor for express door, two-phase 220V, power 0.75KW; 1500 rpm, F: IP54; capable of carrying heavy load, high efficiency and low noise.

Control system: All functions of the high-performance upgrade control box are input through computer programming, which has the characteristics of high performance, high reliability, high stability and high precision positioning. At the same time, it has the functions of soft start and slow stop to ensure the smooth operation of the door body and increase its service life.

Fast door guide rail: Baosteel cold-rolled steel plate, surface treated by high temperature powder spraying, color optional, guide rail built-in company-specific brush, can play the role of dust, insect, sealing and so on.

Fast door curtain: (yellow, blue, red, white and other colors are optional). It is made up of polyester mesh belt coated with high density and low yarn polyester filament PVDF and Streamlined glass fiber reinforced polyester. Yarn density: 14/14; yarn thickness: 2200 (dtex); applicable temperature: -40 C+85 C, color. The fastness is greater than or equal to grade 9. Weaving: P3/3; Tensile strength: 9800/8300 (N/5cm), Tear strength: 1700/1500 (N); Adhesion: 200 (N/5cm).


Wind resistance effect: French standard high strength anti-oxidation aluminium alloy wind resistance bar can make the door curtain achieve high strength anti-wind pressure effect. The segmented aluminium alloy has the function of strengthening the wind resistance and renewing the cloth curtain segmentally.

Perspective mode: adding transverse transparent window in the middle can greatly increase the security performance and management performance.

Sealing performance: The bottom is equipped with a heavier air-proof cloth, which can be tightly combined with various uneven ground (both sides are equipped with sealing wool).

Safety Performance: A. Infrared Safety Protection: Each diaphragm door is equipped with a photoelectric protection system to prevent rolling doors from falling into pedestrians or vehicles. Safety posts are added to the doorposts of each door to prevent unintentional impact. B. Wireless airbag: The door can return automatically when it encounters people or objects during the falling process, and it can avoid the inconvenience caused by the airbag line when pedestrians or vehicles pass through the door, which is safe and beautiful.


Fast doors are beautiful in appearance. They are characterized by smooth lifting, fast, safe, sealed, sound insulation, dust-proof, daylighting, prevention of indoor and outdoor air convection, improvement of workshop environment and hygiene, and long service life. They are the preferred products in modern factories and workshops. Fast curtain doors are widely used in food, chemical, textile, electronic, printing, precision machinery, logistics and other places. They can improve and meet high-performance logistics and clean places, and save air conditioning energy, high-speed automatic closure, improve work efficiency.南京快速卷帘门,南京仓库快速卷帘门,南京恒温仓库卷帘门,pvc快速卷帘门


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