  • 入驻年限:5
  • 所 在 地:河北省 保定市
  • 主营产品: 护坡模具 隔离墩模具 检查井模具 排水沟模具 化粪池模具 拱型骨架钢模板 路沿石模具 电缆槽模具 高铁遮板模具 防撞护栏钢模板 收费岛钢模板 水泥制品模具


速购通标准会员第 5 vip vip vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

八角化粪池模具 方形化粪池模具 组合式化粪池模具 一站齐全

价格 6789.00/套
起订量 ≥1
所在地 河北 保定 可售量 10000套


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 飞皇 工艺类型 焊接成型
适用范围 化粪池成型 作用对象 混凝土
安装方式 移动式模具 加工定制
加工设备数量 37 模具材质 钢板
加工能力 101 材质 钢板
质量体系 内部 模具分型面数目 多个分型面
主要加工设备 加工中心 类型 标准料
模具安装方式 移动式模具 排列方式 立式
型腔数目 多型腔模具 加工贸易形式 来图加工
用途 成型 产地 河北保定市
货号 101




八角化粪池模具 方形化粪池模具 组合式化粪池模具 一站齐全——保定市飞皇模具厂






 Concrete septic tank mold is an indispensable product in municipal, construction community, industrial enterprises and civil construction sewage discharge project. Nowadays, only the concrete septic tank mold with diversified styles and professional quality can meet the market demand.

  Concrete septic tank mold can be divided into four types: square octagonal septic tank mold, vertical circular septic tank mold, new type of FRP septic tank mold, three-format septic tank mold.

  1. Square octagonal septic tank mold introduction: Square cement septic tank mold has eight corners, mold top and bottom is divided into three sections, each section height 1 meters, 2 meters in diameter, 2.3 meters in diameter, a set of septic tank mold including internal and external mold, pin positioning, concave and convex groove, connecting hole, top cover, material cap, hopper.

  2. Specifications of steel mould for vertical circular septic tank: The mould is divided into three sections, each section is 1 meter high, 2 meters in diameter and 2.3 meters in diameter.

  3. New type of FRP septic tank mold specifications: 10 cubic meters, 16 cubic meters, 20 cubic meters, 25 cubic meters, 30 cubic meters, 40 cubic meters, 50 cubic meters, 100 cubic meters. This septic tank steel mold is a new product developed in 2016, similar to the shape of FRP septic tank, large volume, integral design, non-leakage, environmental protection design, easy installation.

  4, three formatted septic tank mold: 100*100*150cm, 1.5 cubic, with partition, divided into three sections.

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