  • 入驻年限:6
  • 所 在 地:上海市 市辖区
  • 主营产品: 产品设计 模型设计 新材料技术推广服务


免费会员第 6 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

沙伯基础SABIC 工程塑料 PC代理商 - 天斧工业

价格 2.00/包
起订量 ≥1
所在地 上海 辖区 可售量 10000包


免费会员 第6年




公司官网: http://18736035632.51pla.com

所在地区:上海市 市辖区

主营产品: 产品设计, 模型设计, 新材料技术推广服务,

商品详情 联系方式


牌号 白色 厂家(产地) 沙伯基础
品牌 SABIC/沙伯基础 材质 ABS+PC
销售方式 品牌经销 颜色 可定制
加工级别 注塑级 特性级别 -
用途级别 通用级 类型 正牌料
透明度 - 是否抗UV -
阻燃性 - 中文名称 -
主要优点 - 俗称 -
特性 - 应用 -
分类 - 别称 -
优点 -

LNP* COLORCOMP* X8419 is an unfilled compound based on Polycarbonate resin.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.with coarse particle size and excellent thermal stability.

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免责声明:以上展示的沙伯基础SABIC 工程塑料 PC代理商 - 天斧工业信息由天斧工业产品设计(上海)有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:沙伯基础SABIC 工程塑料 PC代理商 - 天斧工业