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公司官网: http://dghkf280.51pla.com
所在地区:广东省 东莞市
PBAT+PLA是高抗拉完全生物 降解材料,该产品主要成分为完全生物降解聚酯PBAT与聚乳酸(PLA) 与无机填料的共混物,生产的薄膜制品具有优秀的机械性能。
PBAT+PLA is a fully biodegradable material with high tensile launched by High Technology Co.,Ltd. The main component is a fully biodegradable polymer Ecoworld blends with Polylactic Acid (PLA) . The film products have excellent mechanical property.
Product Description
PBAT+PLA主要适用于吹塑工艺加工薄膜制品,典型制品包括但不限 于超市购物袋、各种垃圾袋、服装包装袋、工业品包装等。
PBAT+PLAis mainly applicable to blow molding processing of film products, typical products include but not limited to supermarket shopping bags, courier bags, clothing bags, industrial package,etc.
PBAT+PLA Technical Properties
Film Mechanical properties
薄膜机械性能以PBAT+PLA依照下述建议吹塑工艺所得厚度为 25±5um 薄膜 为例:
Film mechanical properties take FP-0317 as the sample in accordance with the following recommended blow molding process with the thickness of 25 ± 5um:
1. 储存: 运输和储存途中温度不能超过 70 oC,在室温 23 oC 条件下,未开封的产品保质期不超过 12 个月。 1.Storage: During transportation and storage, temperature may not exceed 70 oC at any time. Storage time of unopened bags may not surpass 12 months at room temperature (23 oC) .
2. 货架期:
(1) 颗粒:在合适储存条件下,从装货日起到 12 个月止,如果顾客需要开封部分使用, 一旦开封建议用后马上再次密封,并在三个月内用完。
(2) 薄膜:建议在六个月内使用。
2. Shelf-life:
(1) For granules: 12 months from date of loading under proper storage conditions. If customers need to open bags and use them partially, once opened they recommend to seal again properly and use it within 3 months.
(2) For film: we suggest customers use it within 6 months.
(1)可提供 25KG 铝塑包装。
(2)可提供 750KG 铝塑包装加外箱。
(3)可提供 1.2t 铝塑包装加外箱。
3. Packaging:
(1) in 25kg bag, liner: PE/Alu
(2) in 750kg bag/octabin, liner: PE/Alu
(3 )in 1.2t bag/octabin, liner: PE/Alu
PBAT+PLA Processing Instruction
1. 挤出机选型: Extruder selection: 建议采用 LDPE 吹膜机(高低压或高压模头),长径比≥30。
LDPE blowing machine is applicable(high pressure die), length-diameter ratio of film blowing machine should be ≥ 30.
2. 清洗: Pre-cleaning: 使用用PBAT+PLA在 160±10 oC 下洗机。
Washing the machine by using PBAT+PLAunder temperature 160±10 oC.
3. 预干燥:
PLAnt:0">Pre-drying: PBAT+PLA
不需要预先干燥(包装未破损),若包装破损,可在 65℃下烘干 4h。
PBAT+PLA 17 TH FL.,BUILDING A. WORLD TRADE CENTER, NO.69 FUXI ST.TAIYUAN CITY, SHANXI PROVINCE, P.R.CHINA don’t need pre-drying.(Under the condition package is not damaged). If the package is damaged, then the material need to be dried for 4hours under 65℃.
4. 加工温度:
Processing temperature:
建议挤出机各加热段由 145 oC 逐步递增至 160 oC,机头温度尽量控制在 160-165 oC 左右, 具体可根据各自吹膜机的情况与产量可进行适当调节。
It is suggested that each heating section of the extruder is gradually increased from 145 oC to 160 oC. The temperature for headpiece should be controlled at around 160-165 oC. It can be properly adjusted according to the conditions of each blowing machine.
5. 吹胀比:
Blow-up ratio:
可根据对于薄膜厚度的需求调节薄膜的吹胀比,建议吹胀比在 1:3 左右。
The film blow-up ratio can be adjusted according to the demand of the film thickness.(Preferably around 1:3).
6. 牵引速度:
Traction speed:
建议牵引速度 7-10m/min,可根据对于薄膜厚度的需求调节薄膜的牵伸速度。
The traction speed is suggested to be 7-10m/min and can be adjusted according to the demand of the film thickness.
7. 薄膜表面张力:
Film surface tension:
建议薄膜表面张力 25-30kg,可根据薄膜厚度自行调节。
It’s suggested the film surface tension to be 25-30kg and can be adjusted according to the film thickness.
8. 滞留时间:
Residence time:
建议 PBAT+PLA 在料筒中的滞留时间小于 5min,如果滞留时间过长,挤出的物料颜色发 17 TH FL.,BUILDING A. WORLD TRADE CENTER, NO.69 FUXI ST.TAIYUAN CITY, SHANXI PROVINCE, P.R.CHINA 深或发黄。如果物料变脆,即为树脂降解或填料碳化所致。
The residence time for PBAT+PLA in the barrel should remains less than 5 minutes. The extruded material will look darker or yellow with long residence time.If the extruded material becomes brittle, it may caused by resin degradation or filler carbonization.
9. 当融指(MVR)相当时,PBAT+PLA 材料与其它生物降解聚酯材料的相容性好,如 PBAT、 PBS、PBAT 聚乳酸改性料,客户可根据自己设备、工艺情况进行不同比例的混配吹膜, 不建议使用双螺杆挤出机将 FP-0317 与高淀粉含量改性料共混,如有需要可采用物理 共混后直接吹膜。
When the MVR is suitable, PBAT+PLAmaterial is compatible with other biodegradable polymer materials, such as PBAT, PBS,and PBAT polylactic acid modified materials. Customers can make mixed film blowing in different proportions according to their own equipment and processing conditions
如果模头温度偏高或挤出的胶料粘度很稀时应降低温度,膜泡不易牵引时,可调节冷却风 量使膜泡能正常平稳,边吹边牵引,等待牵引正常运行后,可调节冷却气量,使吹膜能正 常运行。
The temperature should be lowered if the die temperature is too high or the viscosity of the extruded material is very thin.When it’s difficult to drawing bubble, adjust the cooling air volume to make the bubble smooth and steady, blowing while drawing, after the normal operation of the traction, the cooling air quantity should be adjusted to make film blowing running normally.
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免责声明:以上展示的PBAT拉伸降解薄膜 超市购物袋 全生物降解聚酯PBAT 聚乳酸PLA 吹塑薄膜信息由东莞市樟木头弘凯塑胶原料经营部自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:PBAT拉伸降解薄膜 超市购物袋 全生物降解聚酯PBAT 聚乳酸PLA 吹塑薄膜