德国德图Testo 872带红外热像智能App的热像仪
价格 | ¥27000.00/台 | |
起订量 | ≥1 | |
所在地 | 上海 上海 | 可售量 10台 |
美国F.W.Bell贝尔5170 Gauss Tesla Meter高斯计特斯拉计
北京时代集团TIME 7126笔式测振仪
品牌 | 德国德图Testo | 型号 | Testo 872 |
测量范围 | -30 to +100 ℃; 0 to +650 ℃ | 尺寸 | 219 x 96 x 95 mm |
规格 | 订货号:0560 8722 | 重量 | 510g |
适用对象 | 工业机械设备维护,或者建筑构缺陷检测 | 测量精度 | ±2℃ |
德国德图Testo 872带红外热像智能App的热像仪
订货号:0560 8722
testo 872热像仪非常适用于专业行业和建筑热成像 – 同时还可确保您快速而轻松地工作。它可以用于多个领域,比如工业机械设备维护,或者建筑构缺陷检测。您可以使用其便捷的功能生成对比度高,针对性强的红外图像。?-Assist(发射率设定助手)以及ScaleAssist(温标设定助手)功能,不仅可以帮助您避免测量误差,并且还可以针对建筑热成像轻松实现良好的发射率(?)和反射温度(RTC)设置,以及对对比度进行适合设置。
testo 872热像仪 – 智能APP和联网的热像仪
testo 872热像仪内置WLAN/蓝牙模块,可方便连接智能手机,PAD等,利用智能设备APP可分屏显示并实现远距离测量设定及操作,并通过网络即时共享测量图片与报告。
testo872智能无线热像仪系列可通过无线蓝牙方式与智能钳表testo770-3连接并数据通信,将电工测量参数传输至热像仪,提供电气设备故障分析的具体数据; 同样,通过无线方式与智能温湿度仪testo605i连接,可获取环境温湿度数值,在建筑评估中提供更全面的分析数据。
testo 872热像仪的应用领域
testo 872热像仪可用于检测霉变隐患,定位热桥,检测结构缺陷,或者发现过热连接点。testo 872热像仪是相关行业日常维护和安装应用的li xiang选择,可帮您快速、简单而可靠地进行维护和检测缺陷。
testo 872热像仪的技术亮点
简单的操作和出色的热成像质量是testo 872热像仪的特点。testo 872热像仪具有以下令人印象深刻的技术特点:
76,800个温度点确保精确的热成像。320 x 240像素的红外分辨率 – 通过集成的 Super红外超像素技术,可实现640 x 480像素的分辨率
热灵敏度<0.06 ℃
蓝牙无线通信 –对testo 770-3钳形表和testo 605i温湿度计的测量值进行无线集成
IFOV警示器,仪器可测量区域会显示在热图像上 – 从而避免测量误差,因为方框可以准确标识可测量的区域
testo 872热像仪内置蓝牙/WLAN无线模块,USB电缆,充电器,锂电池, 3个德图ε-标签,说明书,校准证书以及仪器箱。
对焦: 定焦
红外分辨率: 320 x 240 像素
图像刷新频率: 9 Hz
红外超像素 (空间分辨率): 1.3 毫弧度
红外超像素(像素): 640 x 480 像素
几何分辨率 (IFOV): 2.3 毫弧度
zui小聚焦距离: <0.5 m
视场: 42° x 30°
热灵敏度: 60 mK
光谱范围: 7.5 ~ 14 μm
zui小聚焦距离: 0.5 m
图像像素: zui低310万像素
显示屏选项: 红外图像/可见光图像
颜色: 10种
显示屏类型: 3.5英寸液晶显示屏幕,分辨率320X240
数码变焦: 2x, 4x
反射温度: 手动
ε-Assist: ?
测量范围: -30 to +100 ℃; 0 to +650 ℃
精度: ±2 ℃, ±2 % of mv
发射率: 0.01 to 1
太阳能模式: 输入太阳辐射值
分析功能: 平均点的测量,热点/冷点识别,时间增量,区域测量(区域范围内的zui大zui小值)
带湿度测量的湿度测量仪: 温湿度计 testo 605 支持蓝牙功能(仪器必须单独订购);无线许可证 (欧盟,EFTA,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,土耳其)
模块附件: ?
空间分辨率: ?
湿度模块说明: ? 电流、电压或功率的输入
钳形表: Automatic measurement value transfer of clamp meter testo 770-3 via Bluetooth (instrument must be ordedered separately); Wireless permit in EU, EFTA, USA, Canada, Australia, Turkey
数码相机: ?
全屏模式: ?
JPEG存储: ?
视频流: 支持 USB, 支持无线红外App
标准镜头: 42° x 30°
界面: USB 2.0 Micro B型接口
无线局域网络连接: 连接德图红外热像仪app 无线应用模块 BT / WLAN通信(欧盟、EFTA、美国、AUS、CDN,TR)
蓝牙: 温湿度计 testo 605i, 钳形表 testo 770-3(可选);无线许可证 (欧盟,EFTA,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,土耳其)
图像格式: .bmt; .jpg; 可保存为.bmp; .jpg; .png; .csv; .xls
存储设备: 2.8GB 内存
电池类型: 快速充电器
操作时间: 4 小时
交流电供电: 是
外壳防护等级: IP54
振动: 2G
环境湿度: 20 to 80 %RH non-condensing
储存温度: -30 ~ +60 ℃
操作温度: -15 ~ +50 ℃
外壳: PC - ABS
重量: 510 g
大小: 219 x 96 x 95 mm
系统要求: Windows 10; Windows 8; Windows 7
EU-/EG-法规: EMC: 2014/30/欧标; RED: 2014/53/欧标
Product colour: Black
显示屏背光灯: bright / normal / dark
Detecting structural defects and ensuring building quality (also for images of the building shell)
Analysis with the Testo thermal imager is a fast and efficient method of detecting possible structural defects. Furthermore, the thermal imager is also ideally suited for providing proof of the quality and correct implementation of construction measures. Any heat losses, humidity and lack of air tightness arising in a building are visible in the thermal image. The Testo thermal imager offers the possibility of detecting structural damage and implementation defects in the thermal insulation – all using a non-contact method! The testo ScaleAssist function, which automatically ensures optimum setting of the thermal image scale, means you get objectively comparable thermal images of buildings. This makes correct assessment of structural defects and thermal bridges easier than ever before. Detecting insulation defects and thermal bridges in the building shell is one of the typical applications.Carrying out detailed energy consultancy
In building thermography, infrared technology is ideally suited for the fast and effective analysis of energy losses in the heating or air conditioning of buildings. Thanks to its high temperature resolution, the thermal imager provides detailed images of inadequate insulation and thermal bridges. It is impressive in terms of recording and documenting energy losses on outer windows and doors, roller blind casings, radiator niches, roof constructions or the entire building shell. The thermal imager is the best measuring instrument for comprehensive diagnostic and maintenance uses and always a good choice when it comes to energy consultancy.电气设备和机械设备的预防性维护
Easy checking of heating systems and installations
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems can be quickly and reliably checked thanks to the easy and intuitive operation of the Testo thermal imager. Just a quick look with the thermal imager is enough to discover irregularities in temperature distribution. Thermography can therefore be used to easily locate clogged radiators and leaks.
Typical applications for the thermal imager:
Pinpointing the course of heating loops in an underfloor heating system
Checking radiators for silting
Measuring the flow and return temperature
Investigating moisture damage
Not every damp wall is caused by a faulty water pipe. Water can rise or penetrate due to faulty installation of rain and water run-off systems, causing wet walls. Moisture damage can also occur due to blocked drains or insufficient seepage. The thermal imager finds the cause of rising damp or penetrating rainwater straight away, thus preventing greater damage.
On the trail of a ruptured pipe
If a pipe rupture is suspected, the only solution left is often to break open entire wall or flooring areas. The thermal imager enables you to minimize damage and reduce costs, because you locate precise leaks in underfloor heating and other inaccessible pipelines. This avoids opening up walls and floors unnecessarily and considerably reduces the repair costs.
Preventing mould formation
Thermal bridges waste energy. Condensation can also form in these places due to humidity in the ambient air. As a result, mould develops in these areas with the associated health risks for the occupants. The thermal imager uses the ambient temperature and humidity, determined externally with the testo 605i Smart Probe, along with the measured surface temperature to calculate the value of the relative surface moisture for each measuring point directly in the measuring instrument. Mould formation is therefore shown on the display before it becomes visible: areas at risk are displayed in red, those not at risk in green. This makes it possible to introduce measures to prevent dangerous mould formation in good time - including in hidden corners and alcoves.
Testing the air tightness of new builds
If doors or windows are not correctly fitted, in winter cold air can enter or warm indoor air can escape. This results in draughts, increased ventilation heat loss and above all high energy costs. The combination of thermography and Blower Door has really proved its worth. This procedure involves creating a negative pressure in the building, so that cool outside air can flow into the interior of the building through leaky joints and cracks. A Testo thermal imager makes the detection of the leaks considerably easier here. Any leaks are located – before facings and fittings for the new build make repair work complicated and costly.



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免责声明:以上展示的德国德图Testo 872带红外热像智能App的热像仪信息由上海耀壮检测仪器设备有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:德国德图Testo 872带红外热像智能App的热像仪