  • 入驻年限:6
  • 所 在 地:河北省 保定市
  • 主营产品: 塑料模具 玻璃钢模具 钢模具 模板 托板 水泥制品模具


免费会员第 6 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障


价格 355.00/套
起订量 ≥5
所在地 河北 保定 可售量 10000套


免费会员 第6年




公司官网: http://15733800500.51pla.com

所在地区:河北省 保定市

主营产品: 塑料模具, 玻璃钢模具, 钢模具, 模板, 托板, 水泥制品模具,

商品详情 联系方式


品牌 河北宏旭模具 工艺类型 注射成型模
适用范围 混凝土成型 作用对象 混凝土
安装方式 移动式模具 加工定制
加工设备数量 88888 模具材质 冷作模具钢
加工能力 每天 材质 高速钢
质量体系 内部 模具分型面数目 多个分型面
主要加工设备 折弯机 类型 模具紧固件
模具安装方式 移动式模具 排列方式 卧式
型腔数目 多型腔模具 加工贸易形式 来料加工
用途 成型 产地 保定
货号 混凝土防撞墙模具


The concrete anti-collision wall mold uses the method of fixing the pull rod, but according to the length, the number and position of the pull rod are not fixed, so in order to ensure the reliability of the upper and lower fixation, the density will often increase. In order to ensure the normal use of cast-in-place anti-collision wall mold and concrete anti-collision wall mold, the processing time and production technology of each set of formwork in our factory must be clearly specified, so as not to delay the construction period, so as to ensure the production effect of concrete anti-collision wall. The concrete anti-collision wall mould adopts the method of filling materials on the top, so in order to ensure no deformation, the density of the reinforced plate will be increased around the two formworks, so as to effectively ensure its use times. The concrete anti-collision wall mold is a kind of combined mold. The whole mold can be disassembled. We can disassemble the mold during transportation to save the space of the vehicle. We are installing it when we use it, which is mainly to connect the steel mold of the anti-collision wall of each road together. When connecting, we need to use screws to connect the mold closely, In addition, baffles shall be installed on both sides to prevent leakage of slurry. The detail drawing of the concrete anti-collision wall mold is designed according to the mileage standard of the highway. Some people call the concrete anti-collision wall mold New Jersey guardrail mold. According to the production standard of the anti-collision wall mold, each formed anti-collision wall of the highway needs to wait for more than 15 hours before the concrete can completely dry.

  • 混凝土防撞墙模具的基本知识¥355元

免责声明:以上展示的混凝土防撞墙模具的基本知识信息由河北宏旭模具制造有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。