  • 入驻年限:5
  • 所 在 地:浙江省 杭州市
  • 主营产品: pni13104 pni13101 pni13156 RM3100 PNI地磁传感器 SCL3300 3038-0100 KXR94-2050


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电子罗盘TCM-MB PNI sensor倾角补偿电子罗盘TCM-MB 现货库存

价格 10000.00/个
起订量 ≥1
所在地 浙江 杭州 可售量 10000个


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 PNI 型号 电子罗盘TCM-XB
材料 金属聚合物 材料晶体结构 单晶
材料物理性质 磁性材料 产地 美国
加工定制 经营模式 经销批发
输出信号 数字型 制作工艺 半导体集成

电子罗盘TCM-MB PNI sensor倾角补偿电子罗盘TCM-MB 现货库存

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  • 航向精度:


  • 倾斜量程:


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Pinpoint-accurate pitch, roll, and compass heading in real-world conditions, performing reliably and repeatably in the field, not just in the factory. Ideal for far-target locators, range finders, and seismic monitoring.

Sub-1? accuracy in real-world conditions

Where GPS is compromised or unavailable — whether underwater or

underground, beneath a bridge or inside a building — PNI’s TCM

tilt-compensated 3-axis compass module provides reliable,

pinpoint-accurate pitch, roll, and compass heading. The TCM uses

advanced algorithms to counter the effects of hard and soft iron

distortions in the host system, providing highly accurate heading

information in virtually any environment and any orientation. PNI’s

patented geomagnetic sensors and pioneering measurement technology

combine to provide all this performance under a low power budget that

extends mission duration. The TCM’s unmatched performance in real-world

conditions makes it ideal for applications that require consistency and

accuracy in the field.

Sub-1° accuracy…

The TCM is a high-performance, low-power-consumption,

tilt-compensated compass module that provides industry-leading heading

accuracy. The TCM combines PNI’s patented 3-axis geomagnetic sensors and

6-axis MEMS accelerometer with PNI’s proprietary factory calibration

algorithms to ensure absolute accuracy.

…in real world conditions

PNI recognizes there’s a difference between performing well in the

factory and performing well in the field. The TCM’s advanced field

calibration algorithms account for these differences by correcting for

local magnetic distortions. And since applications may have physical

constraints for doing calibration, the TCM provides four user-selectable

calibration modes, as well as the ability to recalibrate the

accelerometers to ensure long-term accuracy. The TCM’s measurement

technology inherently ensures the module is free from offset drift and

provides high measurement resolution, which is critically important at

high and low latitudes where the dip angle (inclination) limits the

usefulness of other compasses. So the TCM performs well in the field,

not just in the factory. TCM-MB TCM-MB TCM-MB TCM-MB TCM-MB

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免责声明:以上展示的电子罗盘TCM-MB PNI sensor倾角补偿电子罗盘TCM-MB 现货库存信息由科沃电子(杭州)有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:电子罗盘TCM-MB PNI sensor倾角补偿电子罗盘TCM-MB 现货库存