  • 入驻年限:5
  • 所 在 地:山东省 济宁市
  • 主营产品: 游乐设备配件及结构 工程机械 机床设备


免费会员第 5
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障


价格 3650.00/台
起订量 ≥6
所在地 山东 济宁 可售量 10000台


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 金耀 型号 jy-415
产地 山东 类别 卡丁车
功能 游玩 材质 镀锌管
适用年龄 18岁以上 传动方式 链条后驱
加工定制 是否支持一件代发 支持
包装方式 彩盒 最大承重 彩盒




Daily maintenance of go karts:




1) Routine maintenance items:

1. Engine; 2. Sprocket and chain; 3. Brake device; 4. Toe in;

5. Rear bearing and rear hub; 6. Other parts: seat, rear bumper bolt, etc.

2) Daily maintenance items:

1. Whether the bolt is loose; 2. Fuel oil; 3. Check the spark plug; 4. Chain oil;

5. Set carburetor; 6. Adjust track width; 7. Change load; 8. Adjust tire pressure

The power of this kart is 200 (displacement 200cc) engine, stepless transmission, no reverse gear, right foot accelerator, left foot brake; the car starts smoothly and has strong power.

2. The side of the kart is the weakest place. It is forbidden to crash into this place at high speed! The kart chassis is very low, 3-5cm, so the requirements for the operation site are high. The ground surface must be flat and the drop fluctuation should be small, so as to avoid friction and collision to the vehicle chassis!

3. The engine is the heart of the whole car, we should take good care of it, and its health can bring us happiness! 125 engine! Special engine oil --- shell 15w-40; the engine oil is changed every 1500-2000km after the first 500km of the new engine, and the oil consumption is 0.8l-1.0l (between one hole and two holes of the oil scale); please check the oil scale if there is any oil shortage or oil change.

4. The installation of three-point safety belt enables the operator to drive more smoothly and enjoy the fun of drifting! Speed and passion here!

5. The outer guardrail and frame increase the anti-collision and shock absorption design! Strengthen the crashworthiness again! Safety! Safety! Still safe! Safety makes you happy!

6. This type of go kart selects tire, wheel hub, brake assembly Chengdu which is from the domestic high-quality brand manufacturer,! This is our commitment to our customers, but also our manufacturers to ensure the sustainable development!



卡丁车结构十分简单,由钢管式车架、转向系统脚蹬、油箱、传动链护罩、车手座位 和防撞保险杠等组成。卡丁车操作简便,车手戴上防护头盔和手套,只须记住左脚刹车,右脚加油门,转向比是3:1到5:1,即可驰骋赛场。卡丁车底盘很低,离地仅4厘米,跑道光滑平整,使车手感到风驰电掣,加 上咆哮的轰鸣,体会到平时所体会不到的乐趣。一旦滑出跑道,卡丁车会自动熄火停止前进,不会翻车,保障了车手的安全。



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