无纺布 细丝 纤维PP 中石化湛江东兴 Z30S 医疗级
价格 | ¥7.90/公斤 | |
起订量 | ≥25 | |
所在地 | 广东 东莞 | 可售量 10000公斤 |
联 系 人:贺义平 QQ交谈 (联系时,请说明是在全球塑胶网上看到的)
公司官网: http://13724493468.51pla.com
所在地区:广东省 东莞市
主营产品: 工程橡胶·
橡塑EVA 台湾台塑 7470M 发泡级
EVA 台湾台塑 7350M 发泡级
发泡级 EVA 台塑 7470M 板材级 电线电缆级
EVA 台塑 7350M 发泡级 高弹性 可交联 柔韧性 耐化学 垫圈 鞋类
高韧性 高强度 热稳定性尼龙PA6 荷兰DSM 2934A 注塑级
牌号 | Z30S | 厂商 | 广州 |
品牌 | MAXIM/美信 | 产地 | 广州 |
厂家(产地) | 中石化湛江东兴 | 销售方式 | 品牌经销 |
材质 | PP | 用途 | 传送带修补地毯背衬短纤维皮带材料卫浴产品无纺布细丝纤维织物 |
用途级别 | 均聚物可加工性,良好良好的拉伸性流动性高韧性良好食品接触的合规性有弹性 | 规格 | A4 |
规格级别 | 拉丝 | 类型 | 标准料 |
Moplen Z30S
Shazand (Arak) Petrochemical Corporation
Moplen Z30S is a high melt flow homo-polymer polypropylene for the production of CF, BCF and staple fibres at medium to high spinning speeds. Moplen Z30S offers a high homogeneity, stable extrusion and excellent processability on both short and long spinning lines. This grade allows a high stretch ratio and gives tough and resilient fibres. Moplen Z30S is suitable for low denier staple fibres for non-woven fabrics, diapers, medical-sanitary applications and wipes. Another typical application is high tenacity continues filament for straps for backpacks, handles for big and safety belts. Continues filament with medium tenacity is used for upholstery, sportswear and heavy duty clothing. Moplen Z30S is also suited for the production of bulked continues filament for thermo bonding and carpets.
* Moplen Z30S is suitable for food contact.
Moplen Z30S
Shazand (Arak) Petrochemical Corporation
Moplen Z30S is a high melt flow homo-polymer polypropylene for the production of CF, BCF and staple fibres at medium to high spinning speeds. Moplen Z30S offers a high homogeneity, stable extrusion and excellent processability on both short and long spinning lines. This grade allows a high stretch ratio and gives tough and resilient fibres. Moplen Z30S is suitable for low denier staple fibres for non-woven fabrics, diapers, medical-sanitary applications and wipes. Another typical application is high tenacity continues filament for straps for backpacks, handles for big and safety belts. Continues filament with medium tenacity is used for upholstery, sportswear and heavy duty clothing. Moplen Z30S is also suited for the production of bulked continues filament for thermo bonding and carpets.
* Moplen Z30S is suitable for food contact.
Moplen Z30S 物性表
基本信息 | |
特性 |
用途 |
加工方法 |
物理性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
熔流率(熔体流动速率)(230°C/2.16 kg) | 25 | g/10 min | ASTM D1238 |
硬度 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
洛氏硬度(R 级) | 100 | ASTM D785 |
机械性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
抗张强度(屈服) | 32.0 | MPa | ASTM D638 |
伸长率(屈服) | 13 | % | ASTM D638 |
弯曲模量 | 1500 | MPa | ASTM D790 |
冲击性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度(23°C) | 30 | J/m | ASTM D256 |
老化 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
Oven Aging(150°C) | 6.3 | day | ASTM D3012 |
热性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
载荷下热变形温度(0.45 MPa, 未退火) | 94.0 | °C | ASTM D648 |
维卡软化温度 | 152 | °C | ASTM D15251 |
备注 | |
1 . | 压 力1 (10N) |
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免责声明:以上展示的无纺布 细丝 纤维PP 中石化湛江东兴 Z30S 医疗级信息由东莞市铭汇塑胶有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:无纺布 细丝 纤维PP 中石化湛江东兴 Z30S 医疗级