  • 入驻年限:5
  • 所 在 地:广东省 惠州市
  • 主营产品: 洗瓶机 灌装机 封口机 旋盖机 贴标机 周边设备


免费会员第 5 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

三(四)旋盖玻璃瓶旋盖机 马口铁盖旋盖机 六三盖玻璃瓶旋盖机

价格 55000.00/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 广东 惠州 可售量 10000台


免费会员 第5年




公司官网: www.yiminggz.com

所在地区:广东省 惠州市

主营产品: 洗瓶机, 灌装机, 封口机, 旋盖机, 贴标机, 周边设备,

商品详情 联系方式


品牌 易鸣 型号 旋盖机
包装材料 玻璃 包装类型
工作原理 ---- 功率 ---
机重 --- 类型 旋盖机
瓶盖规格 --- 气源压力 ---
生产能力 --- 适应范围 ---
适应瓶高 --- 适用对象 ---
适用行业 --- 随机配件 ---
外形尺寸 --- 物料类型 ---
自动化程度 自动


概  述 :


This machine is developed by our company based on the advanced principle and technology of high-speed rolling cover introduced from abroad and our own years of production experience. Set automatic into the bottle, automatic cover, automatic cover, automatic screw cap, automatic bottle at an organic whole, the whole machine design is reasonable, compact structure, high efficiency, stable and reliable running, simple and convenient operation, widely used in canned food, beverages, condiments, health care products and other industries in the jar three spin tinplate cover (4) of the screw cap.
特  点 :

◆ The machine is mainly composed of bottle conveying mechanism, lid closing mechanism, bottle clamping conveying mechanism, rolling cap turning mechanism, electric control system, etc., with high degree of automation, reasonable design, compact structure and simple operation.

◆ The frame, components and shell of the machine are mainly made of high-quality stainless steel, with beautiful appearance, easy to clean and in line with food hygiene requirements;

◆ The use of rub type cap screw, simple and reasonable structure, stable and reliable performance, high work efficiency, rub type cap screw technology effectively solved the traditional cap screw machine slip, cover damage and other disadvantages

◆ The spacing and height of the screw cap mechanism can be adjusted rapidly, which can adapt to different bottle shapes and caps;

◆ The cover feeding mechanism is equipped with photoelectric inductive safety protection device. The bottle handling mechanism can be controlled to realize the self-protection function of "no cover on startup, no cover on shutdown", which enhances the operation stability and reliability of the equipment;

技术参数 :

电源电压 AC220V/50HZ 耗气量: ≤0.3 m3/min
功  率 ≤1.5KW 适用瓶形瓶盖 按客户提供的瓶型及瓶盖
气源气压 0.5-0.7Mpa  生产能力 3000-3500瓶/小时 
外形尺寸 2500(L)×1200(W)×2200(H) 重 量 约350kg 


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免责声明:以上展示的三(四)旋盖玻璃瓶旋盖机 马口铁盖旋盖机 六三盖玻璃瓶旋盖机 信息由惠州市易鸣机械有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:三(四)旋盖玻璃瓶旋盖机 马口铁盖旋盖机 六三盖玻璃瓶旋盖机