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英国易高elcometer 3230湿膜轮 K0003230M001湿膜测厚仪 0-25um

价格 2950.20/台 2653.20/台
起订量 ≥1 ≥3
所在地 广东 深圳 可售量 10000台


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品牌 英国易高 型号 elcometer 3230
加工定制 测量范围 0.025
产地 英国 是否进口
订货号 elcometer 3230 货号 elcometer 3230
类型 镀层测厚仪 是否跨境出口专供货源

详细介绍:分享该产品转发到易高3230卷材涂料湿膜轮与Elcometer 3230 湿膜轮相似,但测量卷材涂料湿膜厚度。由三个圆轮组成,外侧的两个圆轮外圈为滚齿形,在很滑的涂层上或基体快速移动时可测量的厚度。沿湿膜滚动湿膜轮,中心轮湿润部分末端的读数即为湿膜厚度。如果知道涂层的干、湿比率,便可通过湿膜厚度计算干膜厚度。

How to use a Wet Film Wheel - Elcometer 3230 Wet Film Wheel

ISO 2808-7B, BS 3900-C5 method 7B, ASTM D4414-A specify that the wet film wheel should be perpendicular to the substrate and the thickness of the coating should be stated as that indicated on the central wheel - ensuring that the wheel has been rolled from maximum thickness to minimum thickness - thus avoiding surface tension.


Hold the wheel by its central spindle. Begin at maximum thickness to reduce risk of inaccuracy caused by surface tension.

Roll the wheel through the wet film with the side 1 in the diagram touching the substrate. Roll for at least one whole turn and slowly enough for wetting to occur. Roll the wheel backwards by at least on complete turn. The wet film thickness is read from the scale, at the end of the wetted segment of the middle circle, 2 in the diagram

To use wheel on pipes, measure across the longitudinal axis (lengthways) of the pipe.

On rough surfaces, measurements will be made from the surface peaks and represent the minimum wet film thickness.

部件编号 公制 部件编号 英制
刻度范围 刻度 刻度范围 刻度
K0003230M001 0 - 25μm 1.25μm K0US3230M001 0 - 1mil 0.05mil
K0003230M016 0 - 40μm 2.0μm - - -
K0003230M002 0 - 50μm 2.5μm K0US3230M002 0 - 2mils 0.10mil
K0003230M003 0 - 100μm 5.0μm K0US3230M003 0 - 4mils 0.20mil
K0003230M004 0 - 150μm 7.5μm K0US3230M004 0 - 6mils 0.25mil
K0003230M005 0 - 200μm 10.0μm - - -
K0003230M006 0 - 250μm 12.5μm - - -
K0003230M007 0 - 300μm 15.0μm K0US3230M005 0 - 12mils 0.50mil
K0003230M008 0 - 400μm 20.0μm - - -
K0003230M009 0 - 500μm 25.0μm K0US3230M006 0 - 20mils 1.0mil
K0003230M010 0 - 1000μm 50.0μm K0US3230M007 0 - 40mils 2.0mils
K0003230M015 0 - 1500μm 75.0μm - - -
K0003230M011 0 - 2000μm 100μm - - -
K0003230M012 0 - 3000μm 150μm - - -
尺寸 50 x 30mm (1.97 x 1.18”)
重量 220g (7.76oz)
证书类型 校准证书:为固定校准设备出具的证书,上面显示示值和溯源 认可证书:可为固定校准设备出具的证书,由独立的校准实验室出具的完全UKAS可溯的证书
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免责声明:以上展示的英国易高elcometer 3230湿膜轮 K0003230M001湿膜测厚仪 0-25um信息由深圳市卓越仪器仪表有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:英国易高elcometer 3230湿膜轮 K0003230M001湿膜测厚仪 0-25um