  • 入驻年限:5
  • 所 在 地:北京 北京
  • 主营产品: 进口电容 测距仪 进口仪器仪表 传感器 电机 试剂 风机


免费会员第 5 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障


价格 2000/个 1900/个 1800/个
起订量 ≥1 ≥5 ≥10
所在地 北京 北京 可售量 50个


免费会员 第5年




公司官网: http://kanglade843.51pla.com

所在地区:北京 北京

主营产品: 进口电容, 测距仪, 进口仪器仪表, 传感器, 电机, 试剂, 风机,

商品详情 联系方式


产品特性 品牌 KSB
型号 R1300 货号 R1300
适用范围 R1300 规格 R1300
是否跨境货源 主要下游平台 其他
主要销售地区 其他 有可授权的自有品牌

KSB AMTRONIC R1142 R1300限位盒

 KSB Schaltgerat AMTRONIC R1300 R001300/1000100P72A000600限位盒

KSB AMTRONIC R1142 R1300限位盒

 KSB Schaltgerat AMTRONIC R1300 R001300/1000100P72A000600限位盒

KSB AMTRONIC R1142 R1300限位盒

 KSB Schaltgerat AMTRONIC R1300 R001300/1000100P72A000600限位盒



BNC plug and strain relief fitted to MTN1100C to connect to VS0004-013 or -014




Self contained, battery operated vibration sensor with integral digital display. Tap to operate. 

Displays reading for 60 seconds.

Signal conditioning modules converting AC signals from constant current sensors to DC current 

or voltage for input to PLCs or other industrial controllers for continuous monitoring in DIN 

railmounting enclosure

Vibration switch, range up to 50mm/sec, high and low non-latching alarm relays. BNC 

socket for external 100mV/g AC accelerometer, 4-20mA output, operating voltage 

230VAC or 115VAC. 

PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 15 of 18March 2010


Part NoDe ion

1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units

MTN/MH0022 pin MS mating connector, female  sales

MTN/MH0083 pin 62GB mating connector, female  sales

MTN/CA067BNC plug with strain relief, fitted to accelerometer cable. For connection to 

datalogger having a BNC socket  sales

MTN/CA054BNC socket with dust cap in 90deg bracket, fitted to accelerometer cable. 

For connection to datalogger through accessory cable fitted with BNC plug or 

VS0004 vibration switch  sales

MTN/CA0532 pin MS socket to free ends, overbraided ETFE, 5   saleses  sales

MTN/CA1373 pin 62GB socket to free ends, overbraided ETFE, 5   saleses  sales

Extra twin core, screened, armoured ETFE cable, per   salese

Above are for connecting remote sensors to switch boxes, junction boxes or 

data systems. For other cable assemblies and cables to connect to portable 

data loggers please contact the sales office. We will need to know the type of 

cable required, length, sensor and measuring device to give a price.

MTN/8301Accelerometer cable checker  sales

MTN/8302Accelerometer signal simulator  sales

MTN/APSU01Battery powered constant current power supply with BNC socket for   

accelerometer   sales

MTN/8001Constant current power supply in DIN rail mounted enclosure for use on 

24VDC  sales

MTN/8001BNCConstant current power supply in DIN rail mounted enclosure for use on 

24VDC with integral BNC socket  sales

MTN/VC10Vibration calibrator   sales2,

Cable assemblies for remote sensors 

Diagnostic Tools 

Constant Current Power Supply 

Vibration Calibrator






PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 16 of 18March 2010


Part NoDe ion

1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units

MTN/EP0802mm range, M8 thread including 1   salese armoured cable  sales

MTN/EP2005mm range, M16 thread including 1   salese armoured cable  sales

MTN/EP3408.5mm range, M24 thread including 1   salese armoured cable  sales

MTN/EP340F8.5mm range, 3 point mount flange including 1   salese armoured cable  sales

MTN/EP48012mm range, M30 thread including 1   salese armoured cable  sales

Extra cable (priced per   salese)  sales

Up to a maximum of 9   saleses including the extension

Alternative probe length and thread sizes available, consult the sales office

MTN/EX--1   salese extension cable  sales4

Extra cable (priced per   salese)  sales

Up to a maximum of 9   saleses including the probe

MTN/ECPDDriver, 0-16VDC proportional to gap, -24VDC  sales

MTN/ECPD+24Driver, 0-16VDC proportional to gap, +24VDC  sales

MTN/ECPD/78Driver, 0-10VDC proportional to gap, +24VDC  sales

MTN/ECPD/604-20mA output, proportional to vibration, three wire  sales

MTN/ECPD/854-20mA output, proportional to gap, three wire  sales

MTN/ECPD2AC4-20mA output, proportional to vibration, two wire loop poweredshanghai hangou sales

MTN/ECPD2DC4-20mA output, proportional to gap, two wire loop poweredshanghai hangou sales

MTN/P2424V DC power supply housed in die-cast box with glanded output, 240 or 

110 volts input to power above drivers.  sales


印度班加羅爾 /美通社/ -- 總部位於班加羅爾的Prodigy Technovations Pvt. Ltd.推出其MIPI   PGY-I3C-EX-PD I3C練習器和協定分析儀,用於開發面向消費者應用的更新一代感測器介面。PGY-I3C-EX-PD是使設計和測試工程師能夠透過配備PGY-I3C-Ex-ED作為主/從、產生具有錯誤注入能力的I3C通訊量和解碼I3C協定數據包,測試I3C設計的主要工具。


PGY-I3C-EX-PD I3C練習器和協定分析儀的主要功能:

-- 能夠將其配備為主、次主或從設備

-- 能夠配備BCR、LVR和DCR寄存器

-- 支援傳統的I2C主從通訊

-- 生成不同的I3C SDR、HDR(DDR和TSP)數據包

-- 錯誤注入,例如CRC錯誤、同位錯誤和ACK/NACK錯誤

-- 高達26 Mbps的可變I3C數據速度

-- 指令碼自動化


Prodigy Technovations將於2018年10月19日在首爾即將舉行的MIPI DevCon上展示PGY-I3C-EX-PD。產品將於10月15日至16日在首爾的互通性測試活動中使用。

Prodigy Technovations Pvt. Ltd.是MIPI Alliance的貢獻成員,也是JEDEC的成員。PGY-I3C-EX-PD更進一步豐富了Prodigy Technovation現有的高性能產品系列。

销售RASMI滤波器RASMI过滤器RS OC/4RF 4480-DLCRF 4400-DLCRF 4006-DLC 6 1.5 Shrouded 6 0.1 27 8 C 1.7RF 4012-DLC 12 3.7 Shrouded 6 0.1 27 10 D 1.9RF 4020-DLC 20 5.5 从事进口机电设备、仪器仪表等疑难备品备件的销售,是经营世界各地进口设备机电配件的现代化企业。

RF 4040-DLC 40 11 Shrouded 10 0.1 27 28 E 2.6

RF 4060-DLC 60 18.5 Shrouded 16 0.1 27 47 F 5.1

RF 4070-DLC 70 22 Shrouded 25 0.1 27 44 F 5.1

RF 4100-DLC 100 30 Shrouded 35 0.5 130 53 G 6.8

RF 4120-DLC 120 37 Shrouded 35 0.5 130 55 G 6.8

RF 4170-DLC 170 55 Shrouded 95 0.5 130 71 H 10

RF 4230-DLC 230 75 Stud M12 0.5 160 50 J 15

RF 4280-DLC 280 90 Stud M12 0.5 160 60 J 16

RF 4400-DLC 400 132 Stud M16 0.5 160 80 J 27

RF 4480-DLC 4

RF 3006-DLC 6 1.5 Shrouded 6 0.5 27 8 C 1.5

RF 3012-DLC 12 3.7 Shrouded 6 0.5 27 10 C 1.5

RF 3020-DLC 20 5.5 Shrouded 10 0.5 27 15 D 1.7

RF 3040-DLC 40 11 Shrouded 10 0.5 27 30 D 1.8

RF 3060-DLC 60 18.5 Shrouded 16 0.5 27 51 E 3.2

RF 3070-DLC 70 22 Shrouded 25 0.5 27 44 F 4.9

RF 3100-DLC 100 30 Shrouded 35 0.75 130 69 G 6.8

RF 3120-DLC 120 37 Shrouded 35 0.75 130 45 G 6.8

RF 3170-DLC 170 55 Shrouded 95 0.75 130 80 H 9.2

  • 原装THOMASCENTRI776SEK甩干机脱水机现货¥3500元

  • EOSLFVLT60-3000S61VLT60-3000S61电源现货¥1200元

  • HS-CoolerKK10-BCV-423L328冷却器现货¥8200元

  • SCEXPORTMCUP-50MB055005泵现货¥400元

  • Magnet-SchultzGBRE022AMXE05V电磁阀GBRE022AMXE07V现货¥900元

  • CUDERMD500压力棒现货CUDERMD502ETM-IS31-001¥800元

  • IPDREL-70-4007-CHCO原装进口¥5000元

  • AECOcl1001/u200k液位传感器AECOcl1001/u100k¥1800元


免责声明:以上展示的KSBAMTRONICR1142R1300限位盒现货信息由北京康拉德科技有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。