  • 入驻年限:4
  • 所 在 地:广东省 东莞市
  • 主营产品: PBTPPOPEIPOM、PETHTNTPEEPPA、PPSPSUPESTPE、PA46PA6PA612TPU、POETPVASALCP、PMMAPVDFPA6TPP、弹性体工程塑料、耐高温工程塑料、医疗级工程塑料、食品级工程塑料、抗紫外线工程塑料、导电工程塑料、耐寒工程塑料、加矿仟玻仟工程塑料、高光高透工程塑料、杜邦沙伯基础巴斯夫、拜耳(科思创)山都平、迪斯曼DSM宝理苏威东丽、斯泰隆陶氏胶宝帝人


速购通标准会员第 4 vip vip
主营产品: PBTPPOPEIPOM、PETHTNTPEEPPA、PPSPSUPESTPE、PA46PA6PA612TPU、POETPVASALCP、PMMAPVDFPA6TPP、弹性体工程塑料、耐高温工程塑料、医疗级工程塑料、食品级工程塑料、抗紫外线工程塑料、导电工程塑料、耐寒工程塑料、加矿仟玻仟工程塑料、高光高透工程塑料、杜邦沙伯基础巴斯夫、拜耳(科思创)山都平、迪斯曼DSM宝理苏威东丽、斯泰隆陶氏胶宝帝人
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

TPV 荷兰DSM 3140N

价格 35.00/公升
起订量 ≥25
所在地 广东 东莞 可售量 10000公升


速购通标准会员 第4年




公司官网: www.hongguohai.con

所在地区:广东省 东莞市

主营产品: PBTPPOPEIPOM、PETHTNTPEEPPA、PPSPSUPESTPE、PA46PA6PA612TPU、POETPVASALCP、PMMAPVDFPA6TPP、弹性体工程塑料、耐高温工程塑料、医疗级工程塑料、食品级工程塑料、抗紫外线工程塑料、导电工程塑料、耐寒工程塑料、加矿仟玻仟工程塑料、高光高透工程塑料、杜邦沙伯基础巴斯夫、拜耳(科思创)山都平、迪斯曼DSM宝理苏威东丽、斯泰隆陶氏胶宝帝人



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牌号 3140N 厂商 TPV 荷兰DSM
厂家(产地) TPV 荷兰DSM 品牌 TPV 荷兰DSM
销售方式 品牌经销 CAS TPV
供货方式 现货 加工级别 注塑

DSM Sarlink系列TPV介绍

SARLINK3135N A low hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent compression set and high temperature performance.

SARLINK3139D is a high hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent resiliency, heat resistance and flex fatigue resistance.

SARLINK3140 A low hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent compression set and high temperature performance.

SARLINK3145D is a high hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent resiliency, heat resistance and flex fatigue resistance.

SARLINK3150 A low hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent compression set and high temperature performance.

SARLINK3160 is a medium hardness, multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer, featuring excellent compression set, heat resistance and weatherability.

SARLINK3170 is a multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent compression set, heat resistance and weatherability.

SARLINK3180 is a multi-purpose thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent flex fatigue resistance, heat aging and resilience.

SARLINK3190 is a multi-purpose, thermoplastic elastomer featuring excellent flex fatigue resistance, heat aging and resilience.

SARLINK4139D can be processed by injection molding, extrusion and blow molding to produce clamps, grommets, profiles, boots, bellows and ducts.

SARLINK4145 is a low hardness grade possessing exceptional tensile strength, superior compression set, chemical resistance and high temperature performance.

SARLINK4149D is a high hardness grade possessing exceptional tensile strength, superior compression set, chemical resistance and high temperature performance.

SARLINK4155 is a low hardness grade possessing exceptional tensile strength, superior compression set, chemical resistance and high temperature performance.

SARLINK4165 exhibits excellent compression set and flex fatigue, high and low temperature performance.

SARLINK4175 exhibits excellent compression set and flex fatigue, high and low temperature performance.

SARLINK4339D is a flame retardant, high hardness grade processing exceptional chemical resistance.

SARLINKX6135 is an engineered material designed primarily for demanding consumer and automotive interior applications.

SARLINKX6145 is an engineered material designed primarily for demanding consumer and automotive interior applications.

SARLINKX6165 is an engineered material designed primarily for demanding consumer, building construction.

我公司长期经营DSM Sarlink系列TPV,可提供SGS、ROHS、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COA、PDF物性表等各项数据,多年诚信为本,货源稳定、现货库存、质量保证、原厂原包、假一赔十、欢迎来电洽谈!

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免责声明:以上展示的TPV 荷兰DSM 3140N信息由东莞市鸿国海塑料有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:TPV 荷兰DSM 3140N