  • 入驻年限:4
  • 所 在 地:河南省 洛阳市
  • 主营产品: 超高分子量聚乙烯管 HDPE管材 双壁波纹管 钢带波纹管 钢丝网骨架管 MPP电力管


免费会员第 4 vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

MPP电力管 MPP电力保护管直埋管 拖拉管供应

价格 36.00/米
起订量 ≥100
所在地 河南 洛阳 可售量 10000米


商品详情 联系方式


品牌 梓哲 产地 河南
壁厚 8mm 材质 聚丙烯
用途 拖拉管 种类 直埋管
类型 直埋 长度 6米及定制
颜色 橘黄色 公称外径 200mm
连续使用湿度 70℃ 公称压力 20KN
规格 200mm 名称 电力管
压力 20kn 厂家 洛阳梓哲
型号 非开挖型

MPP电力管 MPP电力保护管直埋管供应

MPP power pipe MPP power protection pipe directly buried pipe supply


MPP pipe, also known as MPP power cable protection pipe, is divided into excavation type and trenchless type. MPP trenchless pipe is also known as MPP jacking pipe or drag pipe. MPP pipe adopts modified polypropylene as the main raw material. With the characteristics of high temperature resistance and external pressure resistance, it is suitable for the pipe material of medium and low voltage transmission lines and cables below 10kV.


MPP电力管 MPP电力保护管直埋管供应有以下优越性

MPP power pipe MPP power protection pipe directly buried pipe supply has the following advantages


1. MPP tube has excellent electrical insulation.


2. MPP tube has high thermal deformation temperature and low temperature impact properties.


3. The tensile and compressive properties of MPP pipe are higher than those of HDPE.


4. MPP pipe is light, smooth, low friction resistance, and can be butt welded by hot fusion welding.


5. The long-term service temperature of MPP pipe is - 5 ~ 70 ℃.


中文名: MPP: MPP电力电缆保护管

: 开挖型和非开挖型: 抗高温,耐外压

Chinese Name: MPP pipe alias: MPP power cable protection pipe

Classification: excavation type and non excavation type features: high temperature resistance and external pressure resistance

MPP电力管 MPP电力保护管直埋管供应非开挖管经济效益

MPP power pipe MPP power protection pipe directly buried pipe supply trenchless pipe economic benefits


MPP uses modified polypropylene as the main raw material, which is a construction project for laying pipelines and cables in special sections such as roads, railways, buildings and under the riverbed without massive dredging, soil excavation and pavement damage. Compared with the traditional "trenching and burying pipe method", the trenchless power pipe project is more suitable for the current environmental protection requirements and removes the disturbing factors such as dust and traffic congestion caused by the traditional construction. This technology can also lay pipelines in some areas where the excavation operation cannot be carried out, such as historic sites protection areas, downtown areas, crop and farmland protection areas, highways, rivers, etc. This product has passed the test of chemical building materials test center and achieved good social and economic benefits.

MPP电力管; font-size: 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">MPP电力管 MPP电力保护管直埋管供应应用领域




MPP电力管 MPP电力保护管直埋管供应施工注意事项

MPP power pipe MPP power protection pipe directly buried pipe supply application field

l 管材运输、施工过程中严禁任意抛摔、撞击、刻划、曝晒。

l 热熔对接时两管轴线要对准,端面切削要垂直平整。

l 加工温度、时间、压力、视气候状况作相应调整。

l 管材最小弯曲半径应≥75管外径。

It can be widely used in municipal, telecommunication, electric power, gas, tap water, heat and other pipeline projects.

Urban and rural trenchless horizontal directional drilling power drainage project and open excavation power drainage project.

Urban and rural trenchless horizontal directional drilling sewage drainage pipe project. Industrial wastewater discharge project.

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免责声明:以上展示的MPP电力管 MPP电力保护管直埋管 拖拉管供应信息由洛阳梓哲管材科技有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:MPP电力管 MPP电力保护管直埋管 拖拉管供应