产品特性 | 阻燃级 | 是否进口 | 是 |
产地 | 德国拜耳 | 厂家(产地) | 德国拜耳 |
牌号 | FR2010 | 类型 | 标准料 |
品名 | PC+ABS | 货号 | FR2010 |
品牌 | 德国拜耳 | 产品规格 | 25 |
包装规格 | 25 |
防火阻燃V0级PC ABS合金料|德国拜耳|FR2010
防火阻燃V0级PC ABS合金料|德国拜耳|FR2010
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend T95 MF 矿物填料9.0%
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR3015 无溴阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR3020 无溴阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR3050 无溴阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR3100 TV 无锑阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR3200 TV PC无锑阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR3210 TV 无锑阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR3110 TV 无锑阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR410 MT 矿物填料10%
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR610 GR 无锑阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR630 GR 无锑阻燃
徳国拜耳PC/ABS Bayblend FR632 GR 无锑阻燃
徳国拜耳PC ABS Bayblend KU 1-1446 电镀级
料筒量度 喂料区 50~70℃(70℃)
区1 230~250℃(250℃)
区2 250~260℃(260℃)
区3 250~270℃(265℃)
区4 250~270℃(265℃)
区5 250~270℃(265℃)
喷嘴 250~270℃(270℃)
熔料量度 260~270℃
料筒恒温 200℃
模具量度 70~90℃
打针压力 80~150MPa(800~1500bar)
保压压力 打针压力的40%~50%以防止制品出现缩壁;为了使制品的内应力小化,保压压力应该尽可能性安装低
背压 只要5~10MPa(50~100bar),防止发生摩擦热
打针速度 中等打针速度,将摩擦热降至小;多级打针;对有些制品建议采用从慢到快
螺杆转速 螺杆转速折合线速度为4.0m/s
The metering stroke (1.0 ~ 3.0) D of Huayun Plastics company, because the melt material is very sensitive to overheating and the residual period in the barrel is too long; the residual period of the electric sprayer should not exceed 6 minutes, the retention time in the hot runner should be as small as possible 2 ~ 5 mm, which originates from the metering stroke and the recovery of the screw diameter after pre-drying at 80 °C for 4 hours, and can take part in the 20% recycle, as long as the material has not undergone thermal degradation and has been properly predried, it is better to have an ISOTROPIC shrinkage of 0.5% ~ 0.7% for products requiring less strength, and 0.2% ~ 0.4% for glass fibre reinforced gating systems, any kind of ordinary gate can be used; there is a hot runner at the gate, the measurement must be closed loop to control the machine shutdown period, shut down heating, electric sprayer operates the machine to clean the drum and barrel apparatus as if operating an extruder, the diameter of the standard screw is 50mm; for the large diameter screw, the geometric size of the smaller and shorter measuring section is adopted; the Stop Ring and the through nozzle are adopted.



- Infino SD-2000H PC+ABS车体塑件
- Infino ST-1009 PC+ABS技术资料(ASTM)
- 高流动 Infino HP-1000P PC+ABS
- Lucon PC/ABS CP5101F
- lupoy PC/ABS EC5000AF
- lupoy PC/ABS EF5001RFT
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- lupoy PC/ABS ER5151RFA
- lupoy PC/ABS GN1000F
- lupoy PC/ABS GN1000FA
- lupoy PC/ABS GN5001EF
- lupoy PC/ABS GN5001RF
- lupoy PC/ABS GN5001RFD
- lupoy PC/ABS GN5001RFH
- lupoy PC/ABS GN5001RFJ
- lupoy PC/ABS GN5001RFM
- lupoy PC/ABS GN5001RFP
- PC/ABS 镇江奇美 PC-345KP 易电镀 高强度 电气应用 汽车领域 注塑级
- PC/ABS泰国科思创(拜耳)FR3010-000000耐热抗化学汽车部件家电注塑级
- 工程原料PC/ABS 镇江奇美 PC-385 高抗冲击 耐热性高
- 品牌销售PC/ABS 镇江奇美 PC-345 高流动性注塑级塑胶原料
- 厂家直销合金料PC/ABS 镇江奇美 PC-365 抗撞击性高 高耐热性
- 长期供应PC/ABS 泰国拜耳 FR3000 BK 无溴阻燃 PC/ABS原料
- 原厂原包PC/ABS 德国拜耳 T88 GF10良好的流动性 耐热性原厂原包
- 代理销售PC/ABS 德国拜耳 FR3010 BK 无溴阻燃 耐热
- PC/ABS 镇江奇美 PC-510 高流动性 阻燃级合金原料
- PC/ABS 泰国拜耳 FR3010 耐化学性良好 阻燃无溴
- PC/ABS 德国拜耳 FR110 合金料 阻燃级原料 现货供应
- PC/ABS 上海拜耳 FR2000 阻燃级 PC/ABS塑料原料