纯度 | 99% | 规格 | 85g |
品牌 | permatex | 型号 | 80335 |
功能 | 排气管修补 | 用途范围 | 排气尾管修补 |
粘合材料类型 | 金属类 | CAS | permatex80335 |
保质期 | 24 | 固化方式 | 自然 |
有效期 | 3年 | 包装规格 | 85g/支 |
规格尺寸 | 3盎司 | 剪切强度 | 0 |
有效物质≥ | 100 | 粘度 | 121 |
是否进口 | 否 | 货号 | 80335 |
工作温度 | -60-1185 | 系列 | 高温修补剂 |
实拍细节图片 |
产品介绍 |
太阳牌Permatex消音器及尾管用密封剂80335Permatex Muffler Tailpipe Sealer 80335?密封破孔及裂?p。 ?使新配件?b置?^?o?p隙。 ?耐?徇_1185℃。 建?h用途: 消音器、排?馕补芗坝|媒?D?Q器 |
使用说明: |
Permatex Muffler Tailpipe Sealer 80335Permatex Muffler and Tailpipe Sealer seals holes and leaks in mufflers, tailpipes and around joints. This sealer makes new installations more secure and resists temperatures to 2000 degree farenheit. Permatex offers a range of products to repair cracks, leaks and holes on mufflers, tailpipes, catalytic converters and joints
主要技术参数: |
型号:80335包装规格:3 oz管装每箱个数:12 |
关于美国Permatex |
自1909年以来,ITW Permatex公司为工业提供了一系列应用于各项域的值得赖的产品。这些产品价格经济,使用方便,为生产过程中遇到的困难提供了及时的解决办法。其产品在美国汽车零部件装配生产和维修售后市场占有率居于领先地位。 Permatex国际工业产品系列包括适合各种用途的螺纹锁固胶、固持胶、垫片胶、瞬干胶、防卡剂、省时清洁剂、多功能润滑剂、无水洗手液等其它修补产品。这些产品为企业节省了修理期和停工期的开销成本,同时延长了设备的。
Permatex有一个经验丰富的客户服务团队和技术专家组,帮客户解决工业难题,提高了设备维护的可靠性。 Permatex is a leading manufacturer, distributor and marketer of premium chemical products to the automotive maintenance and repair markets. The Company, which sold its first product in 1909, is a recognized leader in the introduction of new products and services in the automotive aftermarket. Permatex markets and sells a variety of products under well-recognized brand names such as Permatex?, the Right Stuff?, and Fast Orange?. Permatex currently operates in the United States, Canada, Mexico and throughout the world. Domestic operations include Permatex"s headquarters located in Hartford, Connecticut, a state-of-the-art Manufacturing, Distribution and Technical Center located in Solon, Ohio and a Manufacturing Facility in Kansas City, Kansas. Behind our products is the understanding that our customer"s needs are our primary interest. Our resources and people are organized to satisfy our customers. It is this market-driven mentality that makes Permatex a leading edge supplier of innovative products that meet the needs of automotive enthusiasts, professional technicians and industries alike. Innovation through research and development is a Permatex hallmark. We continually enhance our capabilities at our laboratories and facilities to provide our customers with a constant flow of new and improved products. In addition, Permatex is committed to conducting its business in a manner which protects the environment and the health and safety of employees, customers and the public, worldwide. |
联系我们 |
济宁博信达经贸有限公司 地址:山东省济宁市济安桥北路经典商务公寓405室 电话:0537-3166278 3161079 手机:15318184183 传真:0537-2220076 QQ: 1850991881 网址:www.bsenta.com 邮箱:bsenta@163.com |



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免责声明:以上展示的高温修补剂 Permatex80335 MTK 排气管消声器高温修补剂信息由济宁博信达经贸有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:高温修补剂 Permatex80335 MTK 排气管消声器高温修补剂