是否进口 | 否 | 品牌 | Arctic Silver |
型号 | Arctic Silver 5 | 树脂类型 | 纯银散热膏 |
粘合材料类型 | 导热膏 | 工作温度 | - 40C至150C |
粘度 | 11 | 包装规格 | AB套装 |
固化方式 | 自然固化 | 有效期 | 3年 |
保质期 | 36个月 | 功能 | 导热胶 |
用途范围 | cpu |
实拍细节图片 |
产品介绍 | |
Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive AB结合凝固纯银胶 Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive features: 使用99.8%的纯银粒粉 银的容量是62% to 65% 超级导热系数大过7.5 W/mK 可使用温度- 40C至150C (底过0度时贴力会大大降底,因为散热胶会结晶化 不导电--- Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive会型成只传热而不传电的状态 虽然Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive是有高的抗电特性,但使用时还是要远离线路,电子零件的脚及针.成型的散热膏是会有少少的电容特性及极性,会导致线路的不稳定 注意
请于摄氏4-10度的环境中存放 |
重量 |
0.0100 |
?色 |
?y |
技术参数 |
Silver Adhesive Features:Made with 99.8% pure micronized silver.62% to 65% silver content by weight. Superior thermal conductivity. Greater than 7.5 W/mK Temperature range: - 40C to 150C(Bond strength is slightly weakened at temperatures below 0C due to crystallization.) Negligible electrical conductivity: Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive was formulated to conduct heat, not electricity. NOTE: Even though Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive is specifically engineered for high electrical resistance, it should be kept away from electrical traces, pins, and leads. The cured adhesive is slightly capacitive and could potentially cause problems if it bridged two close-proximity electrical paths. Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive is sold in: A set of Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive consists of two tubes containing a total of 7 grams of adhesive(3.5 grams of Part A and 3.5 grams of Part B) and a plastic reusable mixing wand. CAUTION!Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive is a permanent adhesive. Components you attach with Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive will stay attached forever. Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive should be kept cold and away from UV light (sunlight and florescent lighting). We recommend refrigerating the unused material and allowing it to come to room temperature prior to use. |
ITWPermatex公司介绍: |
With its unique high-density filling of micronized silver and enhanced thermally conductive ceramic particles, Arctic Silver 5 provides a new level of performance and stability. Available at Arctic Silver resellers worldwide. Arctic Silver 5 is the reference premium thermal compound. Arctic Silver 5 is optimized for a wide range of bond lines between modern high-power CPUs and high performance heatsinks or water-cooling solutions. |
联系我们 |
济宁博信达经贸有限公司 地址:山东省济宁市济安桥北路经典商务公寓405室 电话:0537-3166278 3161079 手机:15318184183 传真: 0537-2220076 QQ:1469694047 网址:www.bsenta.com 邮箱:1469694047@qq.com |



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免责声明:以上展示的Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive AB套装纯银胶 CPU导热胶信息由济宁博信达经贸有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,
手机版:Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive AB套装纯银胶 CPU导热胶