价格 | ¥115/罐 | ¥110/罐 | ¥105/罐 |
起订量 | ≥1 | ≥6 | ≥60 |
所在地 | 山东 济宁 | 可售量 10000罐 |

产品介绍 |
英国MOLYslipCOPASLIP高温铜膏、金粉、格兰粉、防卡剂 ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUNDS COPASLIP(俗称"高温铜膏"或"金粉")能防止螺栓和螺母在高温或者恶劣的环境下(-40-1100℃)咬死和腐蚀。当将高温铜膏涂到物体表面时,它会形成平滑的矩阵而不硬化、固化或者融化,也不受收缩、膨胀或者振动的影响。在高度摩擦的部位内高温铜膏能减低磨损和扭力,因此保证快速安装和拆卸,甚至在极端的温度和压力下的表面,它也能自动适应细微不规则的金属表面,平滑它们从而防止磨损和留下伤痕。 COPASLIP高温铜膏原产地:英国,品牌MOLYSLIP的一种防卡剂,广泛应用世界的工业行业上。 Molyslip? Anti-Seize Lead Free Copaslip High and low temperature assembly compound. Formulated to protect against seizure of metal parts, even under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. Available in 500g and 5kg quantities. An anti-seize compound and a lubricant perform entirely different functions although many anti-seize products have lubricating properties, especially at higher temperatures. In environmentally adverse conditions such as high humidity and salinity, extreme pressure, acidic atmospheres or excessive temperatures, metals can fuse or weld together. The chief culprit is corrosion, particularly in marine surroundings. Molyslip anti-seize products are designed to provide an insulating layer between metals so that dismantling and routine maintenance are free from breakage of fused parts. This problem is especially onerous on threads and shackles. A single application of Copaslip (often misspelled as copperslip or coppaslip) or Alumslip will stop metal fusion for many years. Copaslip?Copaslip? (often misspelled as copperslip or coppaslip) - the original anti-seize compound. It is a very high temperature (up to 1100°C) anti-seize assembly compound, bentone based non-melt grease with copper, polybutene, and anti-corrosion additives. Molyslip AS40/AS60 Anti-Scuff PasteAnti-scuff, bedding-in paste, gelled lubricating oil with a high proportion of MoS2. AS60 contains 60% of MoS2; AS40 contains 40% of MoS2 with graphite, rust and corrosion inhibitors. ADFAir drying film. Pure Molybdenum Disulphide in an air drying bonding resinate for use where oils/greases cannot be used (ie dust contamination). Ideal for pre-assembly treatment of parts to minimise dangers of seizure, galling or scuffing. Available in aerosols or bulk liquid for use in suitable spray-guns. AlumslipAlumslip anti-seize assembly compound is specially formulated to protect against seizure even under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. Also a highly effective thread lubricant and protective. Designed for same applications as Copaslip? (often misspelled as copperslip or coppaslip) but where there is a prejudice against the presence of copper. Temperature range up to 1100°C. NickelslipNickleslip is a nickel based extra high and low temperature anti-seize assembly compound. Containing pure nickel, aluminium and graphite in a non-melt base with corrosion and oxidation inhibitors. |
COPASLIP高温铜膏的应用领域: |
在汽车行业中:COPASLIP高温铜膏能防止刹车片与刹车盘之间尖锐的响声,在故障或者保养时可非常容易的拆卸底盘装置,缸头,进排气装置,中央连接部分,垫床以及车轮螺母。在全世界的制造厂中广泛应用。 在化工行业中:高温铜膏能使在日常循环维修保养工作中拆卸蒸器、锅盖、阀门和炉部件的时候,可节省大量的时间,以便取出螺纹、垫床和盘更来清洁,在高度摩擦部位减少磨损。 在石油工业中:在石油钻井、生产和精炼中使用高温铜膏能节省停工期,防止长期暴露于恶劣环境下工具的接头、钻盘、精密的螺纹、阀门和大的或者小直径的管系锈蚀咬死,能容易地拆卸。 在船舶工业中:在船上的环境下使用高温铜膏保护运动部件免于锈蚀,易于拆卸和安装螺母、螺栓、法兰盘、吊机、起锚机、锅炉检查孔,总之在任何会引起金属腐蚀、咬死和阻碍日常循环维修保养工作的地方都用得到高温铜膏。 在制造业中:使用高温铜膏为维护温度高至1100℃的设备,应用于极端压力的部位以避免磨损,易于拆卸透平、给水泵、铸造机以及挤压机等设备的外壳上的柱头螺栓和熔炉上的螺栓。 在农业中:使用高温铜膏能确保拖拉机、耙、犁、割草机和农业机械易于无故障维修保养,防止不利和腐蚀的破坏,在发动机和机械维修保养中节省时间和金钱。 |
关于英国COPASLIP高温铜膏: |
COPASLIP高温铜膏原产地:英国,品牌MOLYSLIP的一种防卡剂,广泛应用于全世界的各种工业行业上。 Molyslip? Anti-Seize Lead Free Copaslip High and low temperature assembly compound. Formulated to protect against seizure of metal parts, even under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. Available in 500g and 5kg quantities. An anti-seize compound and a lubricant perform entirely different functions although many anti-seize products have lubricating properties, especially at higher temperatures. In environmentally adverse conditions such as high humidity and salinity, extreme pressure, acidic atmospheres or excessive temperatures, metals can fuse or weld together. The chief culprit is corrosion, particularly in marine surroundings. Molyslip anti-seize products are designed to provide an insulating layer between metals so that dismantling and routine maintenance are free from breakage of fused parts. This problem is especially onerous on threads and shackles. A single application of Copaslip (often misspelled as copperslip or coppaslip) or Alumslip will stop metal fusion for many years. |



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- 供应663/9010青铜粉 6040/7030黄铜粉 铜锡合金 铜锌合金 铜粉 Cu BROFOS
- 铜粉[三石]厂家供应 金属铜粉 电解铜粉 导电铜粉
- 500纳米球形铜粉 Cu-GB0501 物理气相法PVD工艺 适合高温烧结型铜浆
- 长期回收铜粉 固体化工原料 不限日期包装
- 冶炼厂大量回收铜粉 价格高
- 福州上门回收硫酸铜 回收硫酸铜价格
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- 钻石牌800目青光铜金粉177 主要用于塑料 工业漆 涂料 国产
- 英国原装COPASLIP装配膏高温铜膏金粉格兰粉螺栓防卡润滑抗咬合剂
- 太阳牌Permatex精密研磨膏80037 / 34B
- 太阳牌Permatex精密研磨膏80037 / 34B 研磨膏 permatex80037