  • 入驻年限:4
  • 所 在 地:福建省 厦门市
  • 主营产品: 3M TESA德莎 国产特种胶带 模切加工 胶带加工


免费会员第 4 vip vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

优质供应双面导电布胶带 导电胶带 3190 CN3190

价格 4000/支
起订量 ≥1
所在地 福建 厦门 可售量 10000支


免费会员 第4年




公司官网: http://9qlmw9x3v.51pla.com

所在地区:福建省 厦门市

主营产品: 3M, TESA德莎, 国产特种胶带, 模切加工, 胶带加工,

商品详情 联系方式


品牌 * 长期耐温性 标准
短期耐温性 标准 厚度 0.1
加工定制 适用范围 柔软、电磁屏蔽、静电泄放
颜色 灰色 基材 导电布
原产国/地区 美国 是否进口
宽度 1050


3ΜCN 3190 Cu/Ni fabric tape consists ofAnti-corrosion treated copper-nickel coatedconductive polyester fabric and unique electricallyconductive pressure-

sensitive acrylic adhesive.b l; Anti-corrosion treated Cu/Ni conductivefabricb l;

Conductive acrylic adhesiveb l; Supplied on a removable liner for easyhandling

and die-cuttingLike all shielding tapes, CN 3190 tapesare available in

standard and custom widths andlengths. Standard length is 25M.b l; Widths

from 6mm to 1050mmb l; Longer lengths up to several times normallength,

dependent upon width. Check withCustomer Service.Applications CN 3190

Cu/Ni fabric tape is typically used inmany applications typically served by metal foilshielding tapes such as grounding and EMIshielding in equipment, components, shieldedrooms, etc.The unique metalized fabric backing offers theadditional

benefits of excellent flexibility andconformability, very light weight, and exceptionalstrength. The fabric backing also minimizes thepossibility of finger lacerations.Shielding EffectivenessMany factors determine the true shieldingeffe

ctiveness of a shielding tape, including typeand thickness of foil, adhesive type,

intimacy ofcontact, smoothness of application surface,strength and frequency of

the EMI signal, etc.However, using standard tests and fixtures, it ispossible to

determine a value for the attenuation.For CN 3190 Cu/Ni fabric tape, typical

shielding effectiveness is in the range of 65dB to70dBCN 3190 Cu/Ni Fabric Tape –

Typical PropertiesProperties Typical ValueType of Backing Copper/Nickel coated conductive fabricType of Adhesive Conductive acrylic adhesiveTotal thickness

(backing plus adhesive) 0.11mmBreaking strength 1 18 kgf/25mm (40 lb/in)Adhesion strength 1 900gf/25mm (31 oz/in)Electrical resistance through adhesive 2 0.05Ω* Foot note 1. Test method ASTM D 10002. MIL-STD-202 Method 307 maintained at 5 psi (3,4N/cm2) measured over in2 surfacearea. Conductive particles in the adhesive

provide the electrical path between theapplication substrate and the foil backing.

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免责声明:以上展示的优质供应双面导电布胶带 导电胶带 3190 CN3190信息由厦门易尔立功能材料有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
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