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  • 主营产品: 蓄电池 充电器 充电机 逆变器 铅酸蓄电池 模板模块等


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荷兰Whisper Power移动发电机W-GV 8 230VAC 安装部件 柴油发电

价格 110000.00/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 北京 北京 可售量 10000台


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品牌 荷兰Whisper Power 电压 230VAG
加工定制 相数 三相
型号 W-GV 8 包装 纸箱
产地 荷兰

Our Genverter? combines the latest diesel engine technology with a new way of producing electrical power. Instead of adding an alternator with fixed speed on the back of the fly-wheel, we have designed a very compact permanent magnet alternator (PM), located just behind the engine. As a result, these systems are much smaller and lighter compared to traditional generators. Customer benefits: The output voltage of the generator is not dependent on the RPM (revolutions per minute) of the generator. The generator RPM can be fixed to a position offering the optimal balance between RPM, output power, audible noise and vibration. In most cases the result is 2300 RPM. The PM alternator utilizes the same cooling circuit as the main engine making the installation much more simple. The output voltage / power of the PM can be used for various purposes including integration into DC systems. For example with our DC PowerCube concept or as an inverter based variable speed generator, our Basic range. Our Genverter ‘I’ versions are HYBRID generators: variable speed just as with our Basic version, but with an additional inverter / battery charger, our WPC Power Centre, capable of providing sine wave AC power to the various on board appliances. The battery is automatically charged by the WPC’s Power Centre.

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免责声明:以上展示的荷兰Whisper Power移动发电机W-GV 8 230VAC 安装部件 柴油发电信息由山东首达能源科技有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:荷兰Whisper Power移动发电机W-GV 8 230VAC 安装部件 柴油发电