  • 入驻年限:5
  • 所 在 地:广东省 深圳市
  • 主营产品: GE PLC AB PLC 艾默生卡件 西屋卡件 Ovation系统 TRICONEX系统 Prosoft模块 Molex通讯模块 劳尔LAUER触摸屏 Sorensen电源 本特利3500系统 示教器 施耐德PLC Prosoft电台


速购通标准会员第 5 vip vip vip
如实描述 用心服务 品质保障

ProSoft ILX56-PBM DP模块 现货批发

价格 56000.00/台
起订量 ≥1
所在地 广东 深圳 可售量 7台


速购通标准会员 第5年




公司官网: http://15818577730.51pla.com

所在地区:广东省 深圳市

主营产品: GE, PLC, AB, PLC, 艾默生卡件, 西屋卡件, Ovation系统, TRICONEX系统, Prosoft模块, Molex通讯模块, 劳尔LAUER触摸屏, Sorensen电源, 本特利3500系统, 示教器, 施耐德PLC, Prosoft电台,

商品详情 联系方式


品牌 ProSoft 型号 ILX56-PBM(ILX56-MM)
加工定制 工作电压 24
特点 抗干扰能力强 外壳颜色 黑色
质量认证 CE 输出频率 60
工作温度 100 I/O点: 45

标题:ProSoft ILX56-PBM DP模块 现货批发|ProSoft厂家 ILX56-MM|ProSoft代理商ILX56-PBS|ProSoft销售供应 ILX69-PBS有深圳市国华电气有限公司提供

Part number Description

MVI56-MCM Modbus Master/Slave Communication Module

ILX56-PBM PROFIBUS DPV1 Master for Control Logix

ILX56-PBS PROFIBUS DPV1 Slave for ControlLogix

ILX69-PBM PROFIBUS DPV1 Master for CompactLogix


MVI69-104S IEC 60870-5-104 Server

MVI69-ADM Programmable Application Development Module

MVI69-DFNT EtherNet/IP Communication Module for CompactLogix

MVI69-DNP DNP 3.0 Master/Slave Communication Module

MVI69-DNPSNET DNP 3.0 Ethernet Server Communication Module

MVI69E-AFC Enganced Liquid Gas Flow Computer for CompatLogix

MVI69-EGD GE<GE> Ethernet Global Data Communication Module

MVI69E-GEC Generic ASCII Ethernet Communication Module

MVI69E-GSC Generic ASCII Serial Communication Module

MVI69E-LDM Linux Development Module for CompactLogix

MVI69E-MBS Modbus Serial Enhanced Communication Module

MVI69E-MBTCP Modbus TCP/IP Enhanced Communication. Module

MVI69-FLN FA Control Network Communication Module

MVI69L-MBS Modbus Serial Lite Communication Module

MVI69L-MBTCP Modbus TCP/IP Lite Communication Module

MVI69-MCM Modbus Master/Slave Network Interface Module

MVI69-MNET Modbus TCP/IP Communication Module for CompactLogix?

MVI69-S3964R Siemens 3964R Protocol Communication Module

PS69-DPM PROFIBUS DPV1 Master Communication Module

PS69-DPS PROFIBUS DP Slave Communication Module

3170-PDP PROFIBUS Communications Adapter

CLX-APACS ControlLogix to Moore APACS In Chassis Module

MVI56-101M IEC 60870-5-101 Master Communication Module

MVI56-101S IEC 60870-5-101 Slave Communication Module

MVI56-104S IEC 60870-5-104 Ethernet Server Communication Module with Edition 2 Support

MVI56-ADM Programmable Application Development Module

MVI56-BAS BASIC Module (DB/BAS Compatible)

MVI56-DNP DNP 3.0 Master/Slave Communication Module

MVI56E-61850S IEC 61850 Server Communication Module for ControlLogix

MVI56E-AFC Enhanecd Liquid Gas Flow Computer for Contrologix

MVI56E-DNPNET DNP3 Ethernet Communication Module for ControlLogix

MVI56-EGD GE Ethernet Global Data Communication Module

MVI56E-GEC Generic ASCII Ethernet Communication Module

MVI56E-GSC Generic ASCII Serial Enhanced Communication Module

MVI56E-LDM Linux Development Module for ControlLogix

MVI56E-MCM Modbus Master/Slave Communication Module

MVI56E-MCMR ControlLogix Enhanced Modbus Master/Slave Communications Interface Module with Reduced Data Block

MVI56E-MNET Modbus TCP/IP Client/Server Enhanced Communication Module for ControlLogix

MVI56E-MNETC Modbus TCP/IP Enhanced Communications Module Client/Server

MVI56E-MNETCR Modbus TCP/IP Multi Client Enhanced Communications Module for Remote Chassis

MVI56E-MNETR Modbus TCP/IP Client/Server Enhanced Communication Module with Reduced Data Block

MVI56E-SIE Siemens Industrial Ethernet Communication Module for ControlLogix

MVI56-LTQ Limitorque Valve Actuator Master Communication Module

MVI56-PDPMV1 PROFIBUS DPV1 Master Communication Module

MVI56-PDPS PROFIBUS DP Slave Communication Module

MVI56-S3964R Siemens 3964R Protocol Communication Module

MVI56-SMGC SM General Communication Protocol Module

MVI94-ADM Programmable Application Development Module

3170-MBS Modbus Slave Communications Adapter

AN-X-TI EtherNet/IP Texas Instruments Remote I/O Master Gateway , non CE

ILX34-MBS232 Modbus Serial Module for CompactLogix L1 and Point I/O Adapters

MVI46-ADM C Programmable Application Development Module

MVI46-ADMNET C Programmable Application Development Module with Ethernet

MVI46-DFCM DF1 Half/Full Duplex Master/Slave Communication Module

MVI46-DFNT EtherNet/IP Client/Server Communication Module

MVI46-PDPMV1 PROFIBUS DPV1 Master Communication Module

MVI46-PDPS PROFIBUS DP Slave Communication Module

MVI56E-FLN FA Control Network Enhanced Communication Module

MVI94-DNP DNP 3.0 Master/Slave Communication Module

MVI94-MCM Modbus Master/Slave Communication Module

MVI94-MCM-MHI Modbus Master/Slave Communication Module

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免责声明:以上展示的ProSoft ILX56-PBM DP模块 现货批发信息由深圳市国华电气有限公司自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责, 全球塑胶网对此不承担责任。
手机版:ProSoft ILX56-PBM DP模块 现货批发